
Hallooo Gutsy 

Tired of endless Google searches, confusing supplement sites, and wading through stacks of bewildering research articles? I've got your back … because this newsletter is your golden ticket to GOOD GUT clarity!

Each week, I'm dishing out the juiciest tidbits on everything "GUT." From handpicked, gut-friendly supplements to quick and delicious food and health-changing tips for the busiest of bees.

We're diving into the deep end of the research pool too … bringing you the highlights with a sprinkle of "My Gut-Take" for that extra dash of understanding.

Gut Food” is here to serve you up Good Gut Recipes, Research, and Real Talk... one delightful bite at a time … to give you …

🌞 Gut Relief: Banish bloating, gas, and stomach troubles  

🌞 Research Simplification: Easy-to-understand gut research

🌞 Supplement Clarity: Personalized supplements just for you

🌞 Lifestyle Change Support: Practical tips for a gut-friendly life

🌞 Trusted Information: Evidence-based content from reliable sources        

The “Gut Food” newsletter is here to bring sunshine to your gut health goals! ☀️🌱

GUT-TIP of the WEEK: 

I just can’t get enough of Canyon Bakehouse® Gluten Free Everything Bagels!  They’re made with a savory blend of garlic, onion, poppy and sunflower seeds, Everything Bagels will transport you to breakfast bliss in a New York minute (pun intended … because they're as New York as Certified Gluten Free can get!).

These bagels are also free from dairy, nuts and soy and made using 100% whole grains. You can get these at SproutsWhole Foods, and even at my local Albertsons in Arcadia. Aren’t near any stores … get them frozen at and from Canyon Bakehouse itself.


A compelling article last week in the Washington Posthypothesized that Parkinson’s …  is “a gut not a brain disease”. The article cited many studies, A 2018 one in JAMA Neurologyshowed that subjects who were given drugs to reduce gut inflammation had a whopping 78% reduction in Parkinson disease incidence rates. Another, in the 2016 Annals of Neurology, showed that misfolded proteins in the gut can indeed travel to the brain and cause the plaques associated with Alzheimers. 

My Gut-Take: 

I’m very excited about this article because … as you can see in the infographic above … Parkinson’s is considered an autoimmune disease. And autoimmunity is thought of as directly caused by leaky gut by the Functional Medicine community. Also, these studies suggest that at least 85 percent of Parkinsons cases are not genetic … so there must be another reason for this plaque buildup. Yet another indication that gut health may be the key to triumphing over Alzheimer’s and other health problems!


Akkermansia muciniphilia is considered a gut health rising star … a promising “next generation beneficial microbe”. This probiotic strain has more than 1000 studies that show it might be good for healing metabolic disorders like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Its ability to strengthen gut integrity, modulate insulin resistance, and squash inflammation is well-documented.

My Gut-Take: 

I love this supplement so much that it’s part of my own daily regime. And part of my Jill’s Good Gut Elixir protocol. So you might want to check it out. Like many supplements that doctors pooh-pooh it is well-researched. And should be considered if you want to improve your gut health.


Welcome, fellow health explorers, to “Unmasking the Mysterious World of Your Gut” where we embark on a delightful journey through the intriguing realm of your digestion. We delve into the myriad ways we casually use sayings like “gut feeling” in our daily lives … puzzling why this mysterious obsession with it.

Discover also how this wondrous gut resides … tucked away inside you … plays a crucial role in your overall health. Did you know it has a hand in virtually every organ's performance?

Yes … that's right … your gut influences the choreography of your entire body. And to add a pinch of humor to our educational feast … I even have comical cross-section images of your gut!

But it's not all fun and games … I'll also serve you up some practical tips to ensure your gut stays in tip-top shape. Because … after all … a happy gut means a happier, more energetic, slimmer, vital you.



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