Your Bad Gut Can Make You Worry ... and WORSE!
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🌟 Hiya Gut Foodies! 🌟

First there was depression ... then anxiety ... now worry ... thoughts, images, emotions, and actions of a negative nature in a repetitive, uncontrollable way. You may be thinking ... why am I STILL talking about this kinda downer subject.

Well ... I think it definitely deserves addressing ... we all know that worry is a normal part of life. But when it becomes obsessive ... with tons of negative thoughts ... and always expecting the worst ... worry can take a toll not only on your emotional but also physical health. 

It can cause insomnia, headaches, stomach (AKA gut) problems, and muscle tension ... and make it difficult to concentrate (on healthier lifestyle choices and weight loss) among many other things. And even cause prolonged hopelessness and lead to more serious physical maladies. 

That's why I include mindfulness ... one of the best antidotes for worry, anxiety, and depression I know ... in everything I do. It's kept me going and healthy throughout my 78 years of life. And I've got a doozy mindfulness script for you here. 

Not to mention some tips on how to stop worrying, research on neuroses and your gut, yet another supplement from Jill's Depression Champs, and my blog about finding joy ... that includes ... what else ... some basic mindfulness exercises.

Eat 'em ALLLL UP!


Here are doable tips on how to stop worrying.

Set a Daily Time for Worrying. Part of the problem with worrying is that it can take up all your time.

So choose a set time and place for worrying, (i.e. in the living room from 5:00 to 5:20 p.m.) and early enough that it won’t make you anxious right before bedtime.

During your worry period, you’re allowed to worry about whatever’s on your mind. The rest of the day, however, is a worry-free zone.

Jot Down Your Worries. Write 'em down briefly in your journal or record 'em in your phone throughout the day.  With the idea that you're noting them to go over at your "worry time". Postponing worries is a muscle you

can strengthen so you can eventually flex it anytime you want. By doing this, you can discover that you have more power over your worrying than you think.

Challenge your Thoughts. You might want to ask yourself some or all of these questions when you have a worry ... or jot them down in your journal ... "Is this true? Is there a better way to look at this situation? Do I think what I'm worried about will actually happen? If not, what could happen instead? How will worrying about this help me or how will it hurt me? What would I say to a friend who had this worry?"

Brainstorm ... especially if the worry is in your control. Make a list of all possible solutions ... like paying payments for a debt. Focus on things you CAN change ... not the perfect solution. 

Once you've done that, make a plan. Taking action will make you less worried.

If you Have NO Control Over the Outcome ... this is a time for surrender. I just had a HUGE conversation with a client who was fretting about her weight and an upcoming important party she was attending this weekend. 

She realized that she couldn't change her weight TODAY ... and that she would look fine in a brand-new dress she bought yesterday. She surrendered to the moment.

Most of the things we worry about are of this kind. We're trying to control the outcome and prevent unpleasant feelings and situations that may arise from it. It doesn't work!

You can't make life any more certain by worrying. And focusing on worst-case scenarios will only keep you from enjoying the good things you have in the present. 

To stop worrying, you need to learn how to embrace the uncertainty that we all face in life. And surrender to it!


Ever wonder why some days feel like you're riding the anxiety roller coaster 🎢, while other days you're as chill as a cucumber 🥒 in the fridge? Well, science just handed us a map to our moody microbiome city 🌆, linking our gut buddies 🦠 to our roller coaster of emotions. 

Turns out, folks with a high score in the neuroticism Olympics 🏅—think anxiety, stress, and their mood-swinging pals—are hosting a less diverse microbial party 🎉 in their gut compared to the cool, calm, and collected crowd.

Diving into the nitty-gritty, researchers found that certain gut residents, like Haemophilus, are hanging out more with the worrywarts, while the chillaxing peeps have a different microbial mix, including some peace-loving bacteria 🌿. It's like your gut is throwing its own party, and the vibes down there can turn the dial up or down on your brain's mood playlist 🧠🎶.

So, what's the takeaway from this gut-brain gossip? It's all about balance. Keeping your gut microbiome diverse and happy could be your ticket to a more zen-like existence 🧘‍♂️✨. 

And while we're still piecing together this puzzle, one thing's clear: what happens in your gut doesn't stay in your gut—it's a chit-chat that could shape how you feel from your head to your toes 🗣️.

My Gut-Take: 

This research, "Correlation between Gut Microbiota and Six Facets of Neuroticism in Korean Adults"shows a definite link between the neurotic personality type and the composition of the microbiota (specifically in the gut). 

Neurosis is one of the three basic personality types ... the others being psychosis and introvert/extrovert. And is defined as "a negative personality trait involving negative emotions, poor self-regulation (an inability to manage urges), trouble dealing with stress, a strong reaction to perceived threats, and the tendency to complain (and worry)".

Statistically, 30% of us are neurotic worldwide ... a HUGE chunk of the population! So this is SIGNIFICANT research.

And REAL research on human beings ... actually a total of 784 subjects (489 males and 295 females [underrepresented but still there as many studies are done with just men]) from the ages of 23 to 78 were enrolled in this study. 

Also ... those that also passed a massive personality test to identify neurotics were targeted. So this is golden stuff and very well-designed.

What did they find when they examined the feces (you know what that is ...) of these subjects? "We observed that individuals with high ... anxiety or ... vulnerability personality types had significantly reduced gut microbial diversity (there were less different types ... which is important for overall gut health) and showed differences in microbial composition (more of some and less of others) compared to the subjects with low neuroticism personality".

And concluded that "These data are in line with the growing body of evidence for a bidirectional relationship between the gut microbiome and mental health".

So ... if you fit the criteria for a neurotic personality ... you might want to guard your gut against it. Whaddaya think?



[From my Fullscript apothecary]

Vitamin D3 can be synthesized by humans in the skin upon exposure to ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation from sunlight. But, due to the winter season, weather conditions, and sun block, the body’s ability to produce optimal vitamin D levels may be inhibited. These factors point to the value of taking a daily vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin D has long provided significant support for healthy bone density. However, scientists have also validated the critical role that vitamin D plays in regulating healthy cell division and differentiation, and its profound effects on human immunity. These findings link a deficiency of vitamin D to a host of common age-related problems.

My Gut-Take: 

Why is Vitamin D a crucial part of my  Jill's Depression Champs protocol? Well ... it's true ... Vitamin D is crucial for maintaining healthy bones. But has immunomodulatory, neuroprotective, and neurotrophic properties and may affect the brain tissues involved in the pathophysiology of depression and anxiety.

And ...over 30 years ago ... it was widely recommended by my Functional Medicine community as something to test for. It took the medical establishment awhile to catch up ... but Vitamin D status is one ... because of its importance in so many bodily processes ... that's now widely ordered by doctors. 

As strong levels of vitamin D are not only correlated with stronger bones and better immunity ... it also improves the production of “feel good” hormones. Vitamin D actively fights depression by increasing serotonin, the hormone key to stabilizing mood and increasing happiness.

Got it now? And don't let the 600 IU current RDA for vitamin D be your dosage guideline as it has resulted in startling evidence of a widespread deficiency for this vitamin. 

Awhile back ... my doctor told me I was one of the very few people my age (remember ... I'm old) to have normal Vitamin D levels. I smiled and said, "I take 5000 IU a day (the recommendation is up to 10,000 IU). Don't you?"


Where do I start??

In the midst of 2020's chaos, I penned some thoughts that still resonate in today's ever-spinning world 🌍💔. Finding joy and shaking off worry isn't just a pandemic pastime ... it's a lifelong quest 🌈✨. 

Amidst the tales of toilet paper shortages and masked existence, I stumbled upon a truth that joy and peace aren't just found but cultivated, even when the world seems upside down 🔄❤️.

Hearing "I have no joy in my life!" from someone I admire was a wake-up call 🚨💬. It reminded me that the quest for happiness isn't a solo journey but a shared struggle, especially now. As we navigate through uncertainty and change, it's crucial to remember that emotions are fleeting visitors, not permanent residents in our minds 🌦️🕊️.

Rediscovering my spiritual path reminded me that life's essence isn't in the external chaos but in the internal calm 🧘‍♂️🕉️. Through mindfulness, breathing, and embracing every moment, I've found a semblance of peace amidst turmoil. 

Let this be a nudge for you too, to find your joy, breathe through the stress, and remember, we're all in this together 🌟👣.



YET ANOTHER mood-lifting script ...THIS ONE TO FLOAT WORRIES AWAY!  I love this balloon imagery and have been using it for years!

Other ideas ... put your worries in a box and bury it. Or throw it overboard. But the balloon imagery is the most common. And seems to be the easiest and most popular.

And don't forget these mindfulness tools ... put “breathe” signs on your mirror, kitchen cabinet, or dashboard to remind you to breathe, mindfully and deeply (and tell yourself out loud using your name ... i.e. "Breathe, Jill")

In stressful situations and/or emergencies ... when you find yourself starting to feel tense, anxious, or in pain, use your breathing to calm you ... take 3 to 5 mindful breaths ... but even one can make a difference. 

You'll find this on the "My Micro-Mindfuls" page of my website by clicking on the button below. I'm designing these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work.

So download this one (NUMBER ELEVEN) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …


Float Your Worries Away 🎈💨 

Wherever you are 🌍, when you begin to feel worries flitting around in your head 🤯... or your mood changing 😔... or a sense of overwhelm with everything you’re thinking or feeling 🌪️...

Begin to breathe slowly and patiently in and out through your nose 🌬️. Intentionally place your attention on your breath instead of your worries... and take three deep... slow breaths... allowing yourself to be fully present with each one 🍃.

Breathe in... and breathe out. Breathe in... and out... slowly... deeply... fully. Breathe in... and out... committed to the breath as it moves in and out through the nose... feeling the sensation of breath as it moves the body 🌀.

Recommit to each breath in... and each breath out by saying to yourself or out loud... “BREATHE... YOUR FIRST NAME”... “Breathe (say your name)... Breathe (say your name)... Breathe (say your name)” 💬

Now visualize a balloon 🎈 in front of you. See its roundness … tautness … shininess … see-through … its bobbling in the air … its color … feel its squeaky … its string … see it in front of you. And … don’t worry if you can’t see it in your mind’s eye … just feel it …
Focus on the balloon and … if worries flit in and out of your head … notice them … welcome them … now picture them being magically being written on scraps of paper 📝…

Now picture or feel putting all your worries on those scraps of paper into the balloon … however you see or feel it … every little worry you have … stuff ‘em all in … no matter how many you have.

Now … let go of the string and watch the balloon … shining in the sun ☀️... float up … up … up … into the sky until you can’t see it anymore. The higher it goes … the more you feel a sense of relief and lightness as you release all your fears and worries 🕊️.

Continue in this way as long as you like … and fill any amount of balloons you need … until all your worries float away. Then go about your day holding that sense of relief and lightness in your heart ❤️.



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