
Hallooo Gutsy

Get ready for a holiday extravaganza with our "Mucho Mas Holiday Issue"! Packed with festive tips, we bring you the best and worst picks for your holiday table, ensuring your feast is both delightful and healthy. 🍽️🥦

Plus, transform the task of wrapping presents into a serene meditation with our guided imagery script and downloadable audio, turning a holiday chore into a moment of peace. 🎁🧘‍♀️

And there's more! For pizza lovers, we've got a special treat that's sure to please your palate. To keep holiday stress at bay, discover our featured "stress-buster" supplement, essential for maintaining calm during the festive season.

And for a sprinkle of nostalgia, enjoy a heartwarming holiday quote from Charlie Brown, capturing the true spirit of the holidays. 🍕💆‍♀️🎅


Craving pizza but a Paleo no-no? You haven’t met Cappello’s!

I gotta tell you that pizza and dim sum (I live in the midst of the highest Chinese-populated area in all of California) are my two non-Paleo indulgences. But Cappello’s changed my mind about pizza.

Cappello’s pizzas are NOT totally Paleo as whole milk mozzarella is used … making it more Keto for those who follow that. But the crust is made with almond and coconut flours … turnip and flaxseed.

And they’re delicious! And totally end my pizza cravings WITHOUT going to the local pizzeria for what I call “double trouble”.

Cappello’s also makes all kinds of pastas and butternut squash ravioli … all of which ARE Paleo. Get them everywhere … I get mine at Sprouts, Whole Foods,Thrive Market … and even at my local grocer.

The pizzas are perfect for popping into your oven (I love cooking it on my pizza store) for 15 minutes after a busy shopping or decorating day. Open a bagged salad and you’ve got yourself a healthy meal in a tiny time.


"Understanding the Connection between Gut Homeostasis and Psychological Stress" 🌟🧠

🤯🌿 When stress hits, it's not just our minds that feel the impact – our gut health is at stake too! Long-term stress triggers a response in the brain that disrupts our gut microbiota, leading to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and increased intestinal permeability, commonly known as leaky gut.

This process starts with corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a key player in our body's stress response, which can cause an imbalance in the gut's delicate ecosystem and even damage the intestinal lining. 🌪️🦠

🥦🌱 But there's a silver lining! Our diet can play a heroic role in combating the effects of stress on our gut. Probiotics found in foods like yogurt and fermented products can strengthen the intestinal barrier, reduce inflammation, and help maintain hormonal balance.

And embracing a Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can further enhance our gut's ability to resist stress. This fascinating research underscores the power of the gut-brain axis and the role of diet in safeguarding our mental and physical health against stress. 🍇🍅🥑🌈

My Gut-Take: 

Yet another review (compilation of a bunch of research studies) about how stress affects the gut … I can’t get enough of ‘em! But this review clearly delineates what’s ACTUALLY GOING ON in the body when the stress response hits the gut … very enlightening!

It says that “corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) released from the hypothalamus is primarily responsible for the stress response” And that “CRF disrupts the gastrointestinal system and leads to gut microbiota dysbiosis” (leaky gut to you!)

And that this process increases the “risk of functional gastrointestinal diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome” (something doctors have no clue when it comes to treatment!). But I found this even more groundbreaking and eye-opening …” CRF increases oxidative damage to the colon and triggers immune responses involving mast cells, neutrophils, and monocytes”.

In other words, “histamine intolerance” and “salicylate sensitivity” … two HUGE buzzwords plastered all over the internet that people call me about swearing that they have … ARE ACTUALLY CAUSED BY LEAKY GUT! Something I’ve been saying … and something that falls on the deaf ears of those who read some internet blub and are sure that they have them.


I love that this review lays out the entire process by which stress affects the gut and concludes with “There are multi-network interactions between the gut microbiota and stress, and gut microbiota may relieve the effects of stress on the body”.

It also touts fermented foods (why am I not surprised!) and the Mediterranean diet (great if you don’t have gluten intolerance or bacterial overgrowth) as ways to rebuild the gut. Works for some … I prefer Paleo.

Unfortunately, the body and its processes are never simple. Sometimes you can explain them easily … and sometimes you can’t. And that’s when it’s time to seek out an expert who knows their gut stuff when it comes to all this chazerai.


[From my Fullscript apothecary]

Thorne's Stress B-Complex provide extra vitamin B5, along with seven other water-soluble nutrients: thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin/R5P (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pyridoxine/P5P (vitamin B6), methylcobalamin (vitamin B12), methyl-folate (5MTHF), and biotin.

Although each B vitamin is chemically distinct, they work synergistically in various biochemical functions throughout the body – including cellular energy production, healthy red-blood-cell formation, healthy adrenal function, and healthy neurological function*.

Most B vitamins, with the exception of vitamin B12, are not stored in the body; consequently, they must be acquired daily from the diet in order to maintain optimal health*.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

Since one in three people in the U.S. now suffers from depression … and stress plays a major role in it … it just makes sense to take some sort of B-Complex vitamin. 

I always recommend a B-Complex over taking individual B’s because … as the Fullscript description says … they work synergistically (together) to accomplish a whole host of necessary bodily functions that are listed in part above.

Also … there are some studies that show that that B-Complex potentiates (makes more potent) with Sam-E to minimize depression symptoms. And individual B’s even potentiate each other ... that's why it's so important to take them all together..

This supplement is a necessary part of my “Jill’s Stress-Busters” plan. Thorne is one of the best supplement brands out there … and is slated to grow exponentially in the supplement market over the next few years. Get this one … and many others … at my Fullscript apothecary.

Oh… by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


🎄🍽️ Dive into the festive season with "The Best and Worst of Christmas Dinner" picks from the website Eat This, Not That! This annual guide is a treasure trove of holiday eating tips, helping you navigate through the calorie-laden waters of Christmas feasts.

From cocktails to desserts, learn which choices can help you maintain your waistline while still indulging in the holiday spirit. 🥂🍰

🍹🥦 Start with the drinks ... the worst being Hot Chocolate with Schnapps, a calorie bomb, and the best being a light Vodka Soda with Lime. For wine lovers, Zinfandel tops the high-calorie list, while Sauvignon Blanc is a lighter choice.

🎄🍽️Appetizers like Pigs in a Blanket are calorie traps, but Habanero Stuffed Olives can be a spicy, low-calorie start. 🍷🍤

🍖🥧 When it comes to the main course and sides, Prime Rib might be tempting but is heavy on calories, while Ham is a leaner choice.

🎄🍽️And for dessert, the classic Pumpkin Pie remains the champion of low-calorie sweetness, beating out the rich Cheesecake. With these tips, you can enjoy a festive Christmas dinner without the guilt or the need for drawstring pants! 🦃🎉

🍖🥧These insights offer a glimpse into making healthier choices during the holiday season, balancing indulgence with mindful eating. 🎄🍽️



Here’s yet another VERY SPECIAL MINDFULNESS SCRIPT that you can use whenever and wherever you feel stressed … especially in these overwhelming holiday times.

In this one I’m “giving you the gift” of a mindfulness tool that I love … guided imagery. Guided imagery is simply painting a glorious picture in your head.


To change a belief system that doesn’t serve you. Or literally rewrite a bad story ending to make it right again.

The cool thing about guided imagery is that the mind doesn’t know the difference between what you actually experience through your senses or pictures that a skilled practitioner in guided imagery can place in your head.

And … spoiler alert … if you’re not good at seeing pictures in your mind … that’s OK. Even with all my acting training … I’m not good at it either. But it’s the FEELING from the imagery that will work magic on your mind and stress.

So here’s my next Micro-Mindful … not only perfect for holiday overwhelm … but a practice that awakens the senses and promotes calm at the same time. If you feel the need with this one to lie down … do so … or do the imagery in a quiet spot in a straight-backed chair.

And … something even more special … I’m recording these. And you can now get them on my website here.

Download this one (#3) on your phone so that you can use it whenever the holidays get you down. I just created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and now guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create you very own playlist. So let’s begin …

Unwrap Serenity with A Holiday Guided Imagery Journey:

🌟🛋️ Find your cozy spot, either sitting up with grace or lying down in comfort. Gently let your eyelids fall, turning your attention inward. Take a deep, soothing breath in... and as you exhale, imagine releasing any tension from your body and mind. 🌬️💆‍♀️

🌲🕯️ Settle into this moment with the thought, "May this be a time of calm and renewal." Whisper this intention again within your heart. Breathe in slowly, feeling each inhale infuse you with tranquility and clarity, and each exhale washing away stress or heaviness.

Now, envision a serene holiday scene in your home ... maybe a twinkling tree or the soft glow of candles. Whether it's a gentle snowfall or festive lights twinkling outside, let these images or sensations fill you with warmth. If the picture isn't clear, that's okay ... just embrace the feelings these holiday thoughts evoke. 🎄❄️

🎁✨ Now picture a pile of gifts before you, along with wrapping paper and charming adornments like bows and ornaments. Feel the texture of the paper, hear the snip of the scissors, finger the stickiness of the tape as you lovingly wrap each gift.

Now choose the perfect bow or ornament for each ... and as you complete them ... imagine a warm, golden light surrounding each gift and yourself. With each wrapped present ... focus on the recipient, envisioning their joy and gratitude, and feel that same appreciation glowing within you.

If stress creeps in, gently close your eyes, breathe deeply, and whisper a mantra like "peace and joy" or "love and light." Then return to your joyful gift-wrapping, immersed in the feel, sights, sounds, and scents of this blissful moment. 🎀🌈

Continue this peaceful journey as long as you wish. Then ... when you're ready ... take a few more deep breaths ... gently open your eyes ... and reconnect with your surroundings. Carry the radiant warmth of this guided imagery with you throughout your day. 🌞🌿


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