I Share EVEN MORE Beauty Secrets with YOU!
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🌟 Hiya Gut Foodies! 🌟

YET ANOTHER issue on beauty ... and anti-aging ... but this is the last for awhile. Next week ... THE ACHY ISSUE ... how the gut and your joint pain are linked!

This week I've got lots of special things for you! A confection that's also good for your skin AND a study that shows a precursor of Glutamine ... which also helps skin integrity and is showcased below ... firms your skin OVER 40%!

Not to mention completing my "Beauty Triad" of night mask and day moisturizer with a dynamite DIY spritz-on toner. And ending ... quite appropriately ... with a mindfulness incorporating the sense of smell.

Oh ... I forgot ... another "Beauty Funny" that made me belly-laugh ... being a makeup fan ... something I can relate to. It took Marilyn 4 hours to get into her rig. Eat (uh .... spritz) it AAALLL UP!


Yeah ... I know that I talked about dark chocolate before ... especially Hu Bars ... which are Paleo-friendly. But let me also stress that it's GREAT for your skin!

Yes ... eating at least 70% cocoa dark chocolate has multiple beauty benefits. It can boost your skin's moisture, protect you from sun damage, and diminish wrinkles.

Your skin is a true reflection of health because it's the last place to get nutrition. But cocoa is also a source of manganese which helps nutrient absorption (and sex hormone production ... an added bonus!).

Not only that ... it reduces your stress hormones ... giving you a happy high. AND chocolate prevents the breakdown of collagen (there's that word again!) ... the wrinkle-busting protein that keeps 

skin plump and youthful.

Also rich in vitamins A, B1, C, D and E ... with minerals iron and calcium ... chocolate nourishes your skin from the inside out to replace lost moisture. PLUS it prevents ageing by preventing damage from harmful ultraviolet rays thanks to its antioxidant flavonoids. Who knew?


Oh, beauties, let's dive into the world of skincare science with a fabulous find! 🌟 Alpha-ketoglutarate (Alpha-KG), usually starring in our cellular energy cycles, is making waves in skincare too! 🧴✨ This powerhouse not only juices up our cells but also battles those pesky free radicals causing skin aging! 🛡️

Alpha-KG, enhanced through the magic of yeast fermentation, steps up its game in keeping our skin lush and vibrant. By boosting skin hydration and strengthening our skin barriers, it's a hero in our anti-aging arsenal! 🚀🧖‍♀️ Studies show that using products infused with Alpha-KG can significantly smoothen skin and diminish wrinkles. Imagine less crinkles and more twinkle! ✨

Get ready to glow with continuous use, as this elixir increases skin firmness and glossiness, making it a must-have in your beauty routine. So why not turn back the clock with a splash of Alpha-KG in your next skincare treat? 🕰️💦 Your mirror will thank you! 💖

My Gut-Take: 

This research, "The study of skin hydration, anti-wrinkles function improvement of anti-aging cream with alpha-ketoglutarate" is NOT a direct study about the link between the skin and your gut. But it IS about the Alpha Ketoglutarate link to Glutamine (above) which we KNOW heals guts as well as skin.

The introduction DOES state that "The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is a key metabolic pathway for driving the generation of mitochondrial energy in all oxidative organisms. Alpha-ketoglutarate (Alpha-KG), a precursor of glutamine, is known as a crucial intermediate of the TCA cycle and plays a pivotal role in multiple metabolic processes".

So we know as below that Glutamine is essential for the health of the immune system and the digestive tract. In the gut it promotes the health and function of the mucosal cells for normal healing and repair. 

So the purpose of this research is to see if ... through its precursor ... Alpha-KG ... does the same to the skin. It even says in the introduction "few studies have been reported on the efficacy of Alpha-KG in the maintenance of skin functions. This study demonstrated that Alpha-KG has beneficial effects on skin hydration and barrier function".

Yes ... it did ... and here are the results ... wrinkles and crow's feet were reduced about 25% and skin gloss increased by the same percentage. AND skin firmness increased OVER 40%! LEMME AT IT!

The study concludes ... "Most of the participants thought that the cream sample was helpful to smooth fine lines, thinning pores, pulling tight, and brightening complexion, and satisfied with the results of the test samples. All subjects did not have any adverse skin reactions".  

Hey ... that's HUGE!  As many products do! So I'm thinking of including some of this in my next cosmetic DIY concoction.

But ... as in many research studies ... especially with cosmetics ... YOU CAN'T GET THE INGREDIENTS in the country TO REPRODUCE IT. The best thing I could come up with is Klaire Labs Alpha-Ketoglulatic Acid at my Fullscript apothecary. 

In did find the actual cream from Mageline Biotech ... but it's overseas and it costs over four times the to ship it than the product itself. Up to you ... I'm trying the other! Will keep you posted!

But it's so interesting to me how all these things (Glutamine and Alpha Ketoglutarate) are interlinked. And they fix skin cells ... inside and out (think mucosal and cellular regeneration from leaky gut).




Glutamine powder supplies the amino acid L-glutamine, which is essential for the health of the immune system and the digestive tract. In the gut it promotes the health and function of the mucosal cells for normal healing and repair. 

L-Glutamine also supports optimal muscle growth and strength and has been shown to be particularly useful in helping to maintain muscle tissue, as it can be used as a substrate for protein synthesis and an anabolic precursor for muscle growth.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

I've put Glutamine in this newsletter THREE times now. That's how important a supplement it is! But I didn't know that IT'S GOOD FOR SKIN TOO!

Just like the rest of your body, your skin needs vitamins and nutrients to look and feel its best. In fact, the same nutrition that brings health and wellbeing to your body does the same for your skin.

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid (breakdown of protein) in the body .... and is naturally occurring and non-essential. As we age, collagen (that's why it's included in this protocol too). breaks down and leads to the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Glutamine helps to reverse these effects of aging by significantly increasing collagen production within the skin. Also ...  as an immune booster it's also efficient in the production of antioxidants which helps to neutralize harmful toxins and free radicals. 

Research has also reported that glutamine enhances the immune system and reduces infections, leading to a faster recovery of burns or wounds. Glutamine also helps to firm the skin through its ability to balance acid-base levels.

So it seems that you might consider supplementing the body with adequate amounts of protein .... especially the ones in this protocol ... as you age. Otherwise ...  the body might use the protein from your muscles. If muscles begin to lose protein then the skin loses elasticity.

So you can get L-Glutamine aIong with other great smoothie (and other recipes on my website) makins' in my Good Gut Pudding (or Smoothie or Mug Cake) protocol at my Fullscript apothecary. Try it daily ... your skin may love you for it!


Oh honey, let me tell you about my DIY beauty secret ... my Lavender Toner! 🌿💦 Inspired by the essential oil wizardry from Eric Zielinski's book, "The Healing Power of Essential Oils", I whipped up my own little magic potion.

Essential oils aren't just fancy smells; they're powerhouse ingredients with healing vibes for your skin. 🌟 I mix lavender for calm, tea tree for its antiseptic properties, and maybe a splash of citrus or frankincense for that extra zest. 🍋🌼

This toner is part of my "Beauty Triad", sitting pretty between my Rose-Hip Moisturizer in the morning and my Green Tea Mask at night ... recipes you can find on my website in the "recipes" section. 🌹🍵

Making it is a breeze! Just a few drops of these liquid miracles into a mix of grain alcohol, witch hazel, and pure water, and voilĂ  ... your skin will thank you every spritz! It's a Fab 'N Fast Beauty ritual that brightens my mornings and leaves my skin smiling. ✨🙌 



Breathing techniques can indeed contribute to healthier, more radiant skin! Especially when you combine the sense of smell with the beauty regime mindfulness from two weeks ago. Here’s how:

They Fight Inflammation ... which is a common cause of acne. Stress, sugar consumption, and lack of sleep can trigger inflammation. By practicing mindful breathing, you can reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to inflammation. When they're corralled, your skin makes less oil ... and your body can better fight inflammation.

They Make Skin Glow: Deep breathing engages your lymphatic and circulatory systems, promoting cell regeneration. This cellular rejuvenation contributes to a glass-like, youthful appearance. Also, mindful breathing supports digestion and improves gut health. 

They Calm Anxiety: Breathing plays a crucial role in managing anxiety. When we’re anxious, we tend to take short, shallow breaths, exacerbating mental and physical symptoms. By consciously slowing down our breath, we can interrupt this cycle.

Use mindful breathing to calm you throughout the day: when you brush your teeth, stop at a red light, waiting for an appointment, when the phone rings, etc. Find your own times to use mindful breathing.

You'll find this  in the "Back To Basics" section of "My Micro-Mindfuls" here! Along with the beauty regime one (NUMBER THIRTEEN).

'm designing these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work. So download this one (BASICS FOUR) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. 

I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly. And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …


🌸🌬️ Journey through Scent ... A Mindful Exploration 🍃✨ 

Either seated in a straight-backed chair or lying down 🪑💤… comfortable and alert 🧘‍♂️… breathe in and out deeply 🌬️… slowly two or three times… calling attention to and sending the breath to areas that you sense as tight or tense… relaxing them. 

Now… as you breathe in… take a moment to notice what aromas arrive in through your nostrils 👃. Can you name the scents? The smell of your breath… the smell of your skin… the aromas of lotion, perfume oils or sweat 💧. 

Observe the heaviness or lightness of scent. Citrus 🍊… bright and lively, … or subtle and soft. Floral 🌸… sweet and fragrant… or herbal 🌿 and fresh. Earthy 🍂… dry and dusty… or damp and rich. Take in all the smells of you and their qualities… 

Now broaden the area where you sense a smell… do you sense the aroma of food or the lingering scents of cooking? Savory scents. Spicy scents. Sweet scents. The smell of something fried lingering in the air. Butter or oil 🍳. 

Perhaps… as you take in an even wider area… you observe the smell of books or paper, dusty or sterile 📚. Harsh scents. Soft scents. As you breath in… notice all the scents around you. 

🌸🍂 Now notice any memories that arise. If memories come up… what smells do you remember… sensations you forgot… emotions you never felt before. Imagine engaging in the experiences associated with that memory and dwell on it for a moment.🍊📚


🌸 Now… pay close attention to the scents in the present moment that are bringing you back… for this moment… to the past. Continue to observe the scents… but now letting go now of the memory. 🍳

🪑💤 Simply breathing… now attaching no memory or judgement to the aromas you’re breathing in. Breathe in. Breathe out… continue this a few times. Now softly open your eyes… reacquaint yourself with your surroundings… and go about your day with the memory of these aromas lingering in your senses. 🍂



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