I'm Talkin' About Leaky Gut ... & Talkin' ... & Talkin'
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🌟 Hiya Gut Foodies! 🌟

It was inevitable that we have a leaky gut issue ... and most likely a few more ... as it's a HUGE topic and the reason why I'm "The Good Gut Queen" in the first place. I talked about leaky gut sooo much that one of the executives at Oxford Biotechnologies ... who does my LEAP MRT food sensitivity testing ... dubbed me "The QUEEN of Leaky Gut"

But .. feeling it too negative ... I switched it around. Good guts are definitely my passion and focus ... from healing my own to the success I've had in healing many others. After all that ... I definitely consider them the root cause of most of our ills.

Which brings us to this week ... back to some Paleo food recommendations ... research on leaky gut and the "O" word (you know which one I mean) ... and yet another gut-healing supplement.

Also on tap ... my very first blog about leaky gut ... another basic Micro-Mindful ... this one about touch ... AND some gut food-for-thought. 



I thought I'd get "back to basics" here too with yet another beloved Dairy Free product. This one's very special because it's one of the very few plant-based ricottas I know of.

I was looking for one to put in my Just-Like-Mom's Lasagna (not MY mom as she never went NEAR noodles unless they were Manischewitz).  And this totally filled the bill!

Truth be told I'm not a great fan of other Kite Hill products. I tend to choose other Dairy Free cheeses, like Miyoko's, Violife, or Follow Your Heart. But I can barely tell the difference between this and regular ricotta.

So you can use it in any recipe that calls for ricotta ... I'm thinking of Italian cheesecake ... one of my particular dinner-party favs ... made Paleo. Will keep you posted ...


🍔🔬🌿 Hey, health warriors! Let's chat about a spicy topic heating up the wellness world: our guts and their secret life, especially when it comes to obesity's link with inflammation. 🌶️💥

Turns out, our tummies are more than just food processors; they're the frontline in the battle against systemic inflammation, especially in the world of obesity. 🌍🔥 A bunch of smart folks dove deep into how our gastrointestinal (GI) barrier—yep, that's the bouncer of our body's club—might be letting in troublemakers, stirring up inflammation not just locally but all over. 🚪👾

So, imagine your gut's like a nightclub. When it's working right, it's selective about who gets in. But in obesity, it's like the bouncer's on a break, letting all sorts of riff-raff through, leading to systemic inflammation. 🎉🚨 

This isn't just about feeling bloated or having an off day; it's serious business, affecting everything from heartburn to how we process food, and it might just be a key player in the obesity-inflammation link. 🍲💔 Let's keep our gut club's security tight, folks! 🛡️🥦

My Gut-Take: 

The review article, "The role of the gastrointestinal barrier in obesity-associated systemic inflammation" summarizes ALL the reasons that leaky gut contributes to obesity (there's that "O" word again!) from "Western diets" to stress.

It's incredibly thorough ... exploring research that links dysbiosis (the fancy word for leaky gut) and inflammation and inflammation and obesity (there it is again). And dives even deeper by citing research about bacterial diversity (conflicting research about different strains that are definitely weight-gain related).

The link between nerve loss in the digestive system is also noted, along with the fact that GI and bowel dysfunction are also linked to weight gain. As well as the effect of stress on the gut and ... subsequently ... your weight.

WOW ... this is such a thorough review ... encompassing so many aspects of the link between gut health and obesity ... that it convinced me! And if I wasn't ready to ditch the antiquated idea of calories in ... calories out ... I am now!

Not to mention the other things that cause weight gain ... like obesogens such as PFOAs and BPA. I even wrote an article about that ... Can Obesogens Make You Fat?. So whenever some doctor tells you to eat less and exercise more ... tell 'em that's a bunch of bogus and cite these articles.

I'd LOVE to be a fly on the wall when they try to squirm out of THAT one!



[From the website] 

Atrantil Pro is the only natural, clinically proven product to treat digestive issues where they start in the small bowel (AKA the gut).

Developed by a Gastroenterologist, Atrantil gets rid of problem gas-producing bacteria that cause bloating and abdominal discomfort with or without constipation or diarrhea.

This patented blend of Polyphenols also works as a postbiotic to feed good bacteria and support overall digestive health.

Also included in this updated version ... "Spore Biotic Therapy" with 3 soil-based probiotics. I'll tell you more about why that's important below ...

My Gut-Take: 

Atrantil stopped my bloating cold! Yes … you’re hearing right.

I take one or two of these … usually with a digestive enzyme with every meal … and bloating just floats away. Perhaps it’s the unique blend of polyphenols. And … now that I finished the regular supplement… I went PRO … which also has probiotics.

And WHAT probiotics! They've been known to normalize bowel function, aid in digestion, stimulate the immune system, and re-seed the gut microbiota. They've also been praised for their ability to resist stomach acid and the lack of need for refrigeration.

There are some critics, however, who say that because of their spore-forming nature, they grow rapidly, compete with our own gut microbes, and in some cases, could even become pathogenic.

But I say that it's really about the TYPE of soil-based organism ... and the three contained in this supplement are known to not have any side effects for most.

This new Atrantil is now one of my fave supplements. But I'd heed the warnings to not take if you're pregnant or nursing or if you have an allergy to any of the product’s ingredients. And I'd add anyone who's immuno-compromised or has SIBO, candida, or any other bacterial overgrowth.

It’s not in my Good Gut Elixir protocol but it’s yet another supplement to try if you have that uncomfortable gas and bloating. And you can get both on my Fullscript apothecary.


🌿🍽️ Once whispered in the shadows, "gut dysbiosis," "candida," and "leaky gut" are now hot topics, sparking curiosity and concern alike. 🤯🔍 My Pinterest pin on leaky gut exploded with repins, proving we're all hungry for knowledge on this gut-wrenching issue. 📌💡

In a world obsessed with quick fixes, I'm throwing you a lifeline with my KICK-ASS Heal Your Gut Menu. 🚀🥗 It's not about popping pills but embracing a lifestyle that nurtures your gut, the unsung hero of your health. From bloating to brain fog, a leaky gut can be the unseen villain behind a myriad of health woes. 🎭💊

But fear not! Understanding and healing your gut isn't as daunting as it seems. 🌟📚 With a blend of science and simplicity, I'm here to guide you through the maze of gut health, debunking myths and offering real solutions. So, let's embark on this journey together, armed with knowledge and a dash of humor. 🧭❤️

Here's my very first 📌💡 blog on leaky gut, "Got Leaky Gut? You Betcha!"... 🧭❤️ as valid today as it was four years ago when I wrote it. And ... if you read the article ... you can also get my KICK-ASS Heal Your Gut Menu for totally ... NADA!  Wanna know why I'm so passionate about this 🌟📚 ...



Yet another BACK TO BASICS ...this week ... with TOUCH ... We take touching stuff so for granted ... but there's a wealth for our bodies to learn with being mindful of what you touch ... so I invite you for just a moment to touch ... YOURSELF!

Now I'm not getting fresh here ... we're merely exploring ... slowly and deeply ... how one hand feels on another. Betcha never thought that doing that would calm you and increase your awareness at the same time huh?

So just read the script below into your phone and go for it! Or ... instead ... use mine.

And don't forget these mindfulness tools ... put “breathe” signs on your mirror, kitchen cabinet, or dashboard to remind you to breathe, mindfully and deeply (and tell yourself out loud using your name ... i.e. "Breathe, Jill"). 

In stressful situations and/or emergencies ... when you find yourself starting to feel tense, anxious, or in pain, use your breathing to calm you ... take 3 to 5 mindful breaths ... but even one can make a difference. 

You'll find this on the "My Micro-Mindfuls" page of my website by clicking on the button below. I'm designing these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work.

So download this one (BASICS SEVEN) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …


Mindful Hands, Mindful Heart 💖👐 

Sit comfortably in a straight-back chair with your feet flat on the floor 🪑 and your arms and legs uncrossed. Close your eyes if you’d like 🙈… or soften your gaze. You may wish to allow your eyes to shift gently between open and closed as we continue…

Now turn your focus to your breath and take three deep breaths… breathe in 🌬️… and breathe out… breathe in 🌬️… and breathe out… breathe in 🌬️… and breathe out…

Now place your hands in your lap… one on top of the other… whichever you’d like…

Bring your attention to your hands… don’t move them... Simply breathe… relax 😌… and observe them…

How are your hands positioned?… Which hand is on top?… Where is your lower hand resting?

It doesn’t matter how they’re positioned… you’re simply tuning in to how your hands are right at this moment…

As you focus on them… notice now how your hands are touching. Even if you are resting one hand on top of the other… they don’t entirely touch… there are some points of your hands touching more than others…  Can you feel where these points of touch are?

Now ask yourself… How do these points of contact feel? How are they different from the places where the skin almost connects around it?

Now narrow your attention to a single point on your top hand… perhaps at the tip of a single finger. Find an area of your finger the size of a nail tip… and keep your focus there.

Now slowly… gradually… begin to move your top hand. Lift it off of the other hand… maintaining contact at the narrow point you identified on your finger. Then, move that finger. Feel the motion of it across your other hand.

Now become aware of the feeling in that finger… and the feeling its motion creates on your other hand… explore this feeling as long as you’d like. Press it harder… then lift it slightly… play with the idea of touching… not touching… touching softly… pressing harder…

Continue this as long as you’d like… then place your hands uncrossed on your thigh… open your eyes fully 👀… stretch… and go about your day… feeling that heightened sense of touch upon your fingertips… and all over your body…



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