Some More Stuff about Leaky Gut ... and How to Fix It!
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🌟 Hiya Gut Foodies! 🌟

Well ... I told you that we'd be doing more leaky gut soon. So here it is ...

A recent Paleo find ... a sauce to tickle your pasta (Jovial makes it with Paleo-friendly cassava flour) or top whatever you want (how about Eggplant Parmesan with Violife just like parm). And then some more research on leaky gut and what to do about it (hence the MORE leaky gut idea).

Not to mention a supplement I use for balancing gut microbiota ... and a super Paleo dessert to try. Not to mention we're going Back to Mindfulness Basics ... AGAIN ... with the entire series of eight and topping it off with a new one on sight. And a gut quote for good measure.

So ... if you're into guts ... this is the place to be! Eat it AAALLL UP!


When I find a product like this ... I just say ... HUZZAH! (The Elizabethan equivalent of hooray that I learned doing Shakespeare improvs while a member of The Groundlings comedy troupe). Because ... quite frankly ... I get REALLY tired of making my own pasta sauce ...

slow-simmered all day with fresh Romas (they're in season now), hand-picked herbs from the Farmer's Market, and a pinch of mortar-and-pestled lavender.

Fagetaboutit! Now you can have the BEST Paleo alternative creamy sauce I've ever tried short of mine. I also use cashew cream as a base ... now Livwell does it for me.

They call it their version of vodka sauce ... but no vodka is involved ... you could add some though if you want. But I've 

never tasted anything that rivals my homemade like this. 

Unfortunately, this seems only available at Sprouts .... but you can also order it on the Livwell site ... and there are several other types ... I'd like to try their Cauliflower Alfredo next. Eat it UP!


🌟 Hey Gut Foodies! 🌟 Ever wonder why some days your tummy feels like a battleground? 🤔 It's all about that vital gut barrier that keeps the bad stuff out and lets the good stuff in. But, when it gets overwhelmed—think stress, junk food, or too much boozing—things can go sideways. That's when harmful substances sneak into our bloodstream, causing all sorts of health havoc from IBS to heart issues. 🚫🍔🍷

So, what's a body to do? Protecting this barrier is key! A balanced diet rich in nutrients can help maintain this delicate balance and keep our internal fortress strong. 🥗💪

Think of foods like probiotics and polyphenols as your gut's best buds—they help reinforce those gut walls and keep everything running smoothly.

And here's the kicker: while we know what works in animals, we're still figuring out the best foodie formula for humans. 🐭👩‍🔬 So, staying tuned to the latest gut health strategies could make all the difference. Let's keep our gut game strong and our bodies happy! 🌈👍

My Gut-Take: 

The review article, "Leaky Gut and the Ingredients That Help Treat It: A Review" explores in great depth the substances that can heal leaky gut. I LOVE IT!

And it actually confirms that "factors such as stress, an unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol, antibiotics, and drug consumption can compromise the composition of the intestinal microbiota and the homeostasis of the intestinal barrier function of the intestine, leading to increased intestinal permeability" (AKA leaky gut).

Gosh ... I feel like I've been saying that FOR YEARS! Oh ... Wait ... I HAVE. So it's nice that an actual article published in a very prestigious journal, Microbes, confirms that.

And also confirms that "leaky gut syndrome and intestinal barrier dysfunction are associated with intestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as extra-intestinal diseases, including heart diseases, obesity, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and celiac disease".

And proposes that ... since these are such a problem in our society ... that we should "seek an excellent strategy to avoid or reduce the increase in intestinal permeability".

To that end,  it goes into great depth exploring the many "ingredients" that can treat leaky gut,  including a low FODMAP diet (which I recommend short-term), Probiotics (gotta know what kinds are good), vitamins, glutamine, arginine, polyphenols, medical herbs,, and even mushrooms ... something I take daily to protect my immunity.

Of course ... the article ends with a call for "more well-designed clinical trials are required to address the potential of these ingredients when regulating intestinal barrier dysfunctions". What else is new ... every article does. 

But I think it's a great idea ... don't you?




Biocidin® combines 18 botanical extracts and essential oils. It targets the entire GI tract and helps maintain the delicate balance of microorganisms in the microbiome.*

  • Supports gut health by addressing unwanted organisms*

  • Dismantles biofilms*

  • Selectively enhances beneficial organisms*

  • Immunomodulatory activity*

  • May improve regularity and reduce bloating and gas*

  • Helps improve vitality and mental clarity*

  • Supports healthy mobility and body comfort

My Gut-Take: 

This is my go-to whenever I feel that my gut is getting too overgrown with what I call "The Bad Gut Guys" and "The Yeastie Beasties". And ... if you have had a gut imbalance on and off for years too ... probably a bit of rebalancing every 6 months or a year is a good thing. 

It's a great blend of botanicals and essential oils (my favs forever for healing) calculated to put gut rebalance back in your life because it not only kills off overgrowth and invaders ... it also ... as above ... "selectively enhances beneficial organisms"  too.

And it also "dismantles biofilms" ... those pesky structures that bacteria build to protect themselves from oblivion. Think Angry Birds ... and we think ... because bacteria are small ... they're stupid. Far from it!

Also ... in researching all this ... I found that Biocidin has a liposomal too ... Biocidin LSF. If you've ever worked with liposomals you know ... because they're absorbed into the mucosal membranes of the mouth ... and can be up to 1000 times more bioavailable as capsules ... which have to weather the torrent of digestive juices to be absorbed in the small intestine.

This version states that it's 74% better absorbed than their liquid. And I believe it! As I use liposomal glutathione on a daily basis. It's a little more pricy but definitely my choice ... and the one I'm buying after my current supply is gone.

I've created a BRAND-NEW protocol ... Jill's Gut Balancer ... but I wouldn't order this until you talk to me. This protocol is ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SERIOUS GUT ISSUES. And have been tested ... I can share options for you in my Let's Talk HEALTH session ... press the BOOK NOW button in this newletter to sign up.

But you can also get over 30,000 types of the best supplements out there at my Fullscript apothecary.


I haven't sent you a recipe in a while ... frankly ... because I've been so busy I haven't been cooking. But that's changing this weekend ... I'm going to make this along with some other surprises coming soon. 

One of my very fav desserts is Italian Cheesecake 🍰 ... complete with candied fruit and orange zest. For this super-easy version ... which I call Paleo "Ricotta" Pie 🥧 (because I'm using plant-based Kite Hill Ricotta) I ditched the candied fruit but kept the pine nuts and zest. And "ZESTY" it is! 🍊

I used to make the very-complicated, long-(ingredient list)winded one from Time-Life's "The Cooking of Italy". Their Foods of the World series is now out-of-print but that you can still get it on Amazon (without the spiral-bound recipe books) for $700 (????). 📚 And I saw just one of those ... same place ... for a MERE $39. 💸

I think the books cost me under $20 each (PLUS the recipes were FREE!) in the '60s and '70s. But that was a different time ... I remember my salary was $850 a MONTH compared to $400 for the average secretary ... I wore designer dresses then! 👗

OK ... enough nostalgia. The traditional pie was made in the very first springform pan I ever bought (and still have!). Also ... it had a rolled and latticed-on-top crust. This one has a super-easy one pressed into a pan. 🍽️

I did add back the orange zest and pine nuts to this recipe from As well as the plant-based ricotta. But the results are the same as if I had done dairy! And as Paleo as you can get! 🌿

Yes ... this is NOT technically in my Fab 'n Fast collection as it DOES have more ingredients ... and DOES cook for almost an hour. But it preps in only 10 minutes ... and is the EASIEST of its kind I've ever seen. ⏲️

So ... if you've got a sweet tooth ... and are doing Paleo ... you might want to take the time ... most of it in the oven ... to try this FAV ... ulous dessert of mine. Truly ... Eat it UP! 🍴🎉



We're going back to Basics! AGAIN! I realized that I haven't given you ALL the basics audio-wise to begin a really solid mindfulness practice. So we're going to review them in the coming weeks and add the last one ... sight. 

This "Basics One" is the cornerstone of the whole practice ... how to deep-breathe. Then we'll delve into the sensory aspects of mindfulness ... which is the structure on which to hang other tools like guided imagery.

You'll find these in the "Back To Basics" section of "My Micro-Mindfuls" here! I'm designing these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work.

So download this one (BASICS ONE) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin … AGAIN ...


🌸🌬️ Embrace Calm with Every Breath 🕊️💫

🌬️🌸 In the middle of life's whirlwinds ... whether in a bustling place or nestled in the serene embrace of your home ... begin by drawing in the essence of life through long, slow, deep breaths. Inhale with intention ... feeling the air's journey through your nostrils ... descending gracefully into your lungs ... causing your belly to bloom like a flower in spring.

 🌷💨 Exhale with equal grace ... sensing the gentle retreat of air ... ascending from the depths of your lungs ... exiting like a soft whisper through your mouth or nose. As each breath flows ... let your attention dance with it ... unburdened ...

🍃🌊 Should your thoughts drift to distant shores of tomorrow's worries or today's reflections ... observe them as you would a delicate leaf caught in a gently bubbling stream ... here for a moment ... then gracefully floating away on the foam.

🌈🌬️ Return to the rhythm of your breath, each inhalation a wave of life rising ... each exhalation a tender release. Embrace the ebb and flow of your breath, a harmonious ballet of inhales and exhales ... rising and falling ... 

🌟💭 If distractions may arise ... be they physical whispers of discomfort or emotional echoes of joy or sorrow ... acknowledge these visitors without judgment ... without clinging to them or pushing them away. Simply let them be ... like clouds in a vast sky ... and guide your spirit back to the sanctuary of your breath.

🌿🌙 Breathe in tranquility ... breathe out distraction. Follow the breath's journey ... a path of inner peace. If your mind wanders ... greet this wandering with kindness ... and gently ... bring your awareness back to the breath.

🕊️🌼 Continue this dance with your breath for as long as your heart desires ... until a transformation is felt ... a shift from before to a state of present peace. And when you're ready ... gently awaken to your surroundings ... carrying with you the tranquility of this moment ... ready to embrace the day with renewed serenity. 🌟🌿



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