
Hallooo Gutsy

🎄✨ Hey there, my fabulous GUTSY GROUPIES! The holiday season is officially in full swing ... and I know what you're thinking. Between the chaos of party prep, gift hunting (why is finding the perfect present so darn hard?), and the elusive quest for those just-right tree ornaments, it feels like a whirlwind, doesn't it?

🌬️ But hold up ... let's just hit the pause button for a sec. Before we dive headfirst into the festive frenzy, how about we all take a BIG, soul-soothing DEEP BREATH? 

🧘‍♀️ Let's strategize a holiday game plan that's not just about surviving but thriving – with a sprinkle of stress-busting and a dash of mindful munching (because hey, a little indulgence is part of the joy, right?).

🌟 Welcome to what I'm dubbing “The Holiday Stress Issue” ... your secret weapon to keeping cool, calm, and collected this season. We're talking stress-zapping tips, a nifty supplement to keep your "zen" (pun intented) on point, and even a mindfulness script (plus downloadable audios!) for finding peace amidst the pandemonium. 

And hey, who doesn't want to be a mindfulness superhero? (Shoutout to all the superhero movie buffs out there!)

💌 So, dive into this newsletter and arm yourself with all the goodies I've packed in. Let's navigate this holiday season with grace, laughter, and maybe just a smidge of that holiday magic. Here's to keeping that smile bright and genuine, all season long! 🌟🎁


Now that the holidays are REALLY upon us (Thanksgiving was just a dress rehearsal) … it’s important to TAKE A BREATH (pun intended) and plan some de-stressing activities so that you don’t end up … as the picture suggests … drowning in presents, tree stuff, rich food, and RUSHING!

So here are a few tips to get you through …

ONE: Practice Mindfulness Regular breathing or other stress-reduction techniques like yoga, Qigong, and just plain taking a break can be the ticket to combatting overwhelm. See the script below, download the audio on your phone, and use it whenever to need to regroup …

TWO: Just Say No! If you’re overwhelmed with party invites … and party goodies (well-meaning patients used to give my CANCER clinic buckets of sweets every year [????]) … just decline sometimes. Pick your parties … and your pastries wisely… and you’ll stay in that holiday mood.


THREE: Eat Some Healing Foods. Keep feasting to feast days and eat your regular good diet on the others. I know that fast food is tempting when you’re exhausted from long hours shopping and late hours partying … but plan ahead with some easy-peasy ready-made Fab ‘n Fast Paleo meals to relax over when you get home. Your mood will thank you!

FOUR: Be Aware! If your brain is screaming at you “TAKE A BREAK” … listen! Overwhelm can really put the kebosh on good intentions AND festive moods. Identifying and changing stress-provoking thoughts can help you sail through the holidays and allow you to take breaks, eat well, and practice mindfulness with ease!


🥦🔬 A Diet for the Mind and Gut: The study "Feed your microbes to deal with stress: a psychobiotic diet impacts microbial stability and perceived stress in a healthy adult population" reveals a fascinating link between our diet and mental health. Participants following a psychobiotic diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, prebiotics and fermented foods, experienced a notable reduction in perceived stress.

🔍🥑This 4-week study showed a 32% decrease in stress levels among those on the psychobiotic diet, compared to 17% in the control group. While the diet subtly altered gut microbiota, it significantly impacted metabolic changes related to stress.

🌟🧘‍♀️ Future of Mental Health and Diet: These findings open up exciting possibilities for using dietary strategies to improve mental health, particularly in stress management. The study underscores the potential role of gut-brain communication in our overall well-being and points towards the need for more extensive research to confirm these effects.

This pioneering research suggests that dietary choices could play a crucial role in managing stress and could influence future dietary guidelines, highlighting the importance of integrating dietary and lifestyle approaches into mental health strategies. 🌟🍴

My Gut-Take: 

Truth be told I was looking for a research study that linked holiday stress to leaky gut. AND I COULDN’T FIND ONE ANYWHERE!

But then I happened upon this study … which gave me hope for eventually just that as 1) it’s done in humans (lots of others take place in mice and in some type of fish???) and 2) it proposes a direct correlation between a crappy diet and an increase in stress.

And a crappy diet it is when you’re holiday-overwhelmed … drinking too much, eating too rich, and rushing too often. Also … we do know … and experts tell us (although I couldn’t find a recent study) that stress …

Activates the fight-or-flight response in your central nervous system that can influence your digestive system by …

  • Causing your esophagus to go into spasms

  • Increasing the acid in your stomach, which results in indigestion

  • Making you feel nauseous

  • Giving you diarrhea or constipation

I see nausea symptoms and/or bowel changes in at least 75% of the psychiatric patients I see with a diagnosis of “Danger to Self” and “Suicidal Ideation (wanting to kill yourself”” at my hospital. Definitely a major correlation after a major psychiatric episode …

So add to that all the other chazerei that goes with the holidays and you have a formula for gut and brain disaster! Make you want to rethink the way you approach the holidays? Read on …


[From my Fullscript apothecary] Liposomal Zen provides enhanced calmness support, day or night, in a convenient liquid format for improved bioavailability.*

  • Contains GABA and L-theanine like the best-selling 200 mg of Zen
  • Liposomal delivery system uses pure, soy-free essential phospholipids from sunflower lecithin for increased direct absorption* 
  • Supports a feeling of general relaxation and enhanced calmness*
  • May promote a normal, healthy attitude and normal symptoms during PMS*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

I love this supplement and it’s often in my purse … especially during the holidays. I used to take the capsule form years ago. And that’s an option too …

But any liposomal supplement is superior for these reasons …

Greater Bioavailabilitywould you be surprised to know that the calcium supplement that doctors readily prescribe is ONLY 10% to 15% absorbed?  When it comes to supplements the most important thing is that they are the best absorbed … most usable form for your body.

Liposomal supplements are the best absorbed as they bypass the journey through the digestive system … which can degrade all that goodness. Also … you don’t need a delivery system like a capsule or tablet with coatings, binders, and gelatin.

Instead … they are up to 1000 percent more bioavailable. As they’re absorbed through the cells of the mouth and go directly into the bloodstream.

Smaller Doses … because liposomes are easily absorbed you need less. Which is great not only for cost but for minimizing the side effects that regular supplements might bring.

More Benefits … liposomes replace damaged phospholipids, which are essential for maintaining the protective membrane of cells.

Yes … liposomes cost a little more … but they are more economical in the long run as you use less (a couple of pumps a couple of times a day of this one helps you de-stress). And they’re better for you in so many ways! Get this one … and I've even made a protocol for you of my fav stress supplements ... Jill's Stress Busters. Get it ... or just the Zen ... at my Fullscript apothecary.

And … by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


Embracing Your Inner Mindfulness Superhero 🦸‍♀️✨

In this blog post, I delve into how mindfulness can be your superpower, transforming you into a superhero of your own life. It's a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment, leading to a life of inner peace and contentment. 🌟🦸‍♀️✨

Discovering Inner Power with Mindfulness 🌟
Mindfulness isn't just a trend; it's a superpower! Just like superheroes in comic books, embracing mindfulness can transform your life. 

Imagine being able to tap into a source of contentment and power from within, just like I did through my acting training, which was essentially a form of mindfulness. This practice rewires our brains, shifting our focus from external happiness to finding true peace within. 

It's scientifically proven to create significant changes in our body, from neural rewiring to hormone regulation. 🧠💫

The Superpowers of Mindful Living 🌈
Mindfulness turns us into superheroes of our own lives. By practicing it, we gain the ability to select our thoughts and emotions, just like choosing the right tool from a superhero's utility belt. 

It's not just about being in the moment; it's about rewiring our brains to focus on positivity and gratitude. This practice brings inner peace and the ability to calm our racing minds. 

It's a journey that requires courage and commitment, but the rewards are immense – a peaceful mind and a heart full of gratitude. 🙏❤️

Mindfulness: The Path to Emotional Healing 🌿🕊️
My journey to emotional healing began with acting, a form of mindfulness that helped me face and heal my inner traumas. It's a path that requires courage to confront our deepest fears and traumas, but it leads to profound healing and self-compassion.

Mindfulness is not just a practice; it's a lifelong journey of self-discovery and healing. It's about becoming your own best friend, ready to face the best and worst of times with grace and strength. 🚀💖

Oh ... and I couldn't resist the super-cat as I have one of my own. Happy Holidays from me and Romeo, the super-cat!



I’m diverting from the senses this week for a VERY SPECIAL MINDFULNESS SCRIPT that you can use whenever and wherever you feel stressed …This is why I love mindfulness … you can do it ANYWHERE!

We tend to think of meditation as something you do cross-legged on top of a mountain or something. But I always say of mindfulness that there’s no boundaries when it comes to using it …

And … because of this “anywhere anytime attitude” I thank mindfulness for healing my very severe panic disorder. It was so severe that … when I was acting and using my emotions on steroids … that I’d often be writhing on the floor gasping for breath.

So here’s my next Micro-Mindful … perfect not only for holiday overwhelm … but a practice that you can do at any time to make you stay in the moment. Which … to me … was the best thing I got out of acting.

And … something very special … I’ve begun to record these. And you can now get them on my website here. There’s two there … and more to come …but download this one (#2) on your phone so that you can use it whenever the holidays get you down.

So let’s begin …

Transform Holiday Stress to Zen Calm in Minutes:

🚗💭Caught in the holiday rush, whether standing in line or driving to grab that last-minute ingredient? Take this moment to transform it into a mindful pause.

🌟🌿Begin by inhaling deeply and gently through your nose, feeling the air's journey during each inhale and exhale. If the 4-7-8 technique (inhale for a count of 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8) suits you, go for it. Otherwise, a simple rhythm of breathing in and out for a count of four works wonders.

🌬️🍂Imagine drawing in tranquility and resilience with each inhale, and as you exhale, visualize releasing all tensions and worries. Let your only task in this moment be to breathe, letting anxieties dissolve with every breath out.

💪🍃If your mind drifts to feelings of worry … notice it … without judgment … let it drift away as a leaf falling into a gently bubbly stream floats out of sight … and then bring your attention back to the breath and the now. Remind yourself, "BREATHE [YOUR FIRST NAME]," reinforcing your inner strength and capability to handle life's challenges.

🧘‍♀️🌟Notice the serenity enveloping you with each mindful breath ... and continue this practice as long as you'd like. Then ... gently reacquaint yourself with your surroundings ... carrying this newfound sense of calm into the rest of your day. 🧘‍♀️🌟


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