
🎉🥳 Hey Gut Foodies, Happy New Year! 🎆🍽

Get ready to kick off 2024 with some mouth-watering treats and insightful wellness tips! First up, we're serving Gluten-Free sweet rolls that are perfect for sliders and cozy suppers. 🍞🌟 Then, dive into the latest research unraveling the strong connection between our gut and autoimmune diseases. 📚🔍

Next, let's talk about one of my absolute favorite supplements ... a must-have in your wellness arsenal! 🌿💊 And for all you Paleo enthusiasts, I've got not one, but two Fab 'n Fast Paleo recipes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. 🥘🍴

But that's not all! Join me in a special guided imagery session where we'll reflect on the year gone by and set powerful intentions for the year ahead. It's time to harness the power of mindfulness and set the stage for an amazing 2024. 🧘‍♀✨

And to top it all off, we'll wrap up with an inspiring food quote from the legendary Julia Child. Because, as we all know, good food is the foundation of genuine happiness. 🍲💬 So, let's eat it ALL up and start the year on a deliciously high note! 🥂


There’s a bakery here … King’s Hawaiian … that is known for its wonderful bread and rolls tinged with sugar (a little bit … not really prohibitive on a Paleo diet). They’re the brainchild of a popular Hawaiian bakery who opened another one … and a restaurant I used to go to … in Torrance, California.

Canyon Bakehouse now carries a similar product. They’re one of my fav Gluten Free bakeries … I can’t do without their Everything Bagels. And these are wonderful (they make the bread too) for tiny sandwiches and the ever-popular sliders … haven’t made them yet but they’re probably going to be a “2024 resolution”.

Canyon Bakehouse is the only Gluten Free bakery that makes anything like these original luscious breads. So … if you want a fluffy roll or something for sliders … these are the ticket. Eat them UP!


Hey Gut Foodies! Let's dive into some eye-opening research that's all about our gut health and its surprising connection to autoimmunity. 🦠🧬 

Leaky gut is like an uninvited guest letting all sorts of troublemakers – undigested food, microorganisms, toxins – sneak into our bloodstream. This not only causes inflammation but also sets the stage for autoimmune diseases. 🚪🦠 

Our gut walls usually do a great job of keeping the baddies out. But when things go south, when they get damaged, our immune system goes into overdrive, producing certain antibodies. This is how we can spot a leaky gut through lab tests. 🧪🔬

The study took a deep dive into the lab results of 266 people, checking for occludin and zonulin antibodies and 24 different autoimmune markers. And guess what? Those with leaky gut showed elevated autoimmune antibodies in 17 out of 24 markers, affecting everything from the brain to joints! 🧠💪 

The worse the leaky gut, the higher the risk of autoimmunity. And it's not just about the gut; it's about our brain too. The blood-brain barrier, similar to our gut barrier, also gets affected, linking leaky gut to neurological autoimmunity. 🧠🔗

So, what's the takeaway? Leaky gut is a big deal, and it's high time we start listening to our bodies. It's not just a passing health fad; it's a serious condition that could shape our health journey. By understanding and managing leaky gut, we can prevent or dampen autoimmune conditions. 🌿🌈🥗

And guess what? The causes of leaky gut range from gluten sensitivity to gut infections, hormonal imbalances, and even lifestyle factors like stress and poor sleep. 🍞🦠🛌

So, let's take charge of our gut health, identify our triggers, and embrace a lifestyle that keeps inflammation at bay. It's all about giving our body the care it deserves to keep autoimmune diseases in check. Let's make our gut a happy place! 🌿🌈🥗

My Gut-Take: 

OK … I’ve been talking forever about how leaky gut causes autoimmune disease … now over 80 documented diseases affecting 50 million Americans and statistically zooming to 10% of the population.

And now here’s an actual study … “The Relationships between Intestinal Permeability and Target Antibodies for a Spectrum of Autoimmune Diseases” that just about proves it! As noted above, they tested 266 random subjects for leaky gut markers … including things like zonulin (which I test on my Organic Acids Test) and autoimmune markers …

and found that “those with leaky gut had up to 30-fold increased odds of developing autoimmunity compared to those without. There was an elevation of autoimmune antibodies in 17 out of 24 autoimmune markers, including against the brain, hormone glands, joints, smooth muscles, cardiovascular tissue, and more”.

Not only that … the study was also able to show that the worse the leaky gut markers … the worse the autoimmunity. So much for doctors saying that there’s not enough studies that prove this direct correlation. Here’s one  ..

The article that described the study also said that “understanding which underlying mechanisms caused your leaky gut gives you a better understanding of the scope of your issue and how to address it. Someone with a past brain injury is going to have a much different strategy than someone who was on a round of antibiotics. The great thing is that by addressing the underlying mechanism in addition to leaky gut itself, you will significantly improve your overall health and well-being”.

A-MEN! When are people going to get that the root cause of most health issues is leaky gut? I hope soon …


[From my Fullscript apothecary]

This product is formulated using liposomal technology, which results in superior delivery, absorption, and bioavailability. 

Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the body. It helps protect cells against oxidative stress from dietary and environmental free radicals, and those resulting from normal metabolic processes.* Glutathione protects vulnerable DNA from damage, while also serving as a key factor in proper detoxification.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

Known as our body’s detoxifier, Glutathione is an ally in healthy aging, immunity, and detoxification. But supplement manufacturers previously have had a tough time getting it into a supplement as it degrades in the stomach and never gets where it’s supposed to go.

Enter liposomal. Research has shown that liposomal supplements … as they’re absorbed in the mucosal membranes of your mouth … are up to 1000 times more absorbable than going the traditional pill route.

And here’s my story about this product … I experienced severe allergic reactions after a wildfire where I lived. Then I traveled to Phoenix, Arizona for a Certified Clinical Nutritionist symposium … thinking that the desert climate would help.

It didn’t … I was told that it was because they had planted many non-indigenous plants … which made my allergies even WORSE! I sat in the lectures with tears streaming down my face … so much for putting a good face forward!

During a break I strolled through the booths … and luckily happened upon the doctor who had pioneered … and was selling … this product. I downed a small cup … returned to the lectures … AND MY TEARING DRIED UP WITHIN 30 MINUTES! I went back and ordered 12 bottles …

You can get the original Glutathione I tasted in of my “Smash Salicylate Sensitivity Now!” plan. Get this one … and many others … at my Fullscript apothecary.

I use it in this protocol because flavoring is high in salicylates.  But I prefer the Quicksilver lemon-mint version above as Glutathione is sulfur-based and tastes a little like rotten eggs.

Oh… by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


🎉🌮 Hey there! I've got an exciting New Year's surprise just for you – not one, but TWO RECIPES! 🥳🍽 Get ready to indulge in the ultimate Paleo Tacos, complete with a scrumptious filling and all the perfect garnishes. 🥑🍅 And to make it even better, I'm also sharing a recipe for dynamite, bendable, and absolutely delicious Paleo tortillas. 🌯✨ It's time to kick off the new year with a flavor-packed feast! 🎇🥳

Ever since I landed in L.A. at 18, my love for tacos and all things Mexican has only grown. That's why I've whipped up these Fab 'n Fast Paleo Tacos, perfect for satisfying those taco cravings while sticking to my Paleo lifestyle. 🌞🌴

Mexican restaurants are my go-to for a gluten-free feast, thanks to their corn tortillas. But let's face it, those dishes are often swimming in cheese and sour cream, not to mention the sidekicks of rice and beans. Delicious, yes, but not exactly Paleo-friendly. 🧀🚫

So, I took on the challenge to make my tacos both Fab 'n Fast and authentically Paleo. Authenticity usually means time-consuming, and the original recipe from the now out-of-print book "Tacos" was no exception. But hey, who's got time to roast coriander and cumin seeds? Not me! 🕒🔥

Don't let the ingredient list scare you off – it's mostly spices, and they're what make these tacos a fiesta in your mouth! I've tweaked the recipe to suit my taste, amping up the coriander, cumin, and adding a dash of chili powder for that extra kick. Feel free to spice it up even more to your liking. 🔥👩‍🍳

For the filling, I've gone with ground beef, but hey, ground turkey or chicken works wonders too. It's all about what tickles your taste buds or what's hanging out in your fridge. Serve these beauties on Fab 'n Fast Cassava Tortillas, topped with plant-based Feta from Follow Your Heart, a dollop of ready-made salsa, a sprinkle of chopped cilantro, a swirl of Violife Sour Cream, and whatever else your heart desires. 

Dive in and enjoy every bite! 🥗🌮🎉



Haven’t done your New Year’s Resolutions yet? Here’s an opportunity to sail through the past’s pitfalls and triumphs and chart a new … and better … course for 2024.

I’d suggest that you sit in a straight-backed chair or lie down for this one as you may find yourself going deeply into an alpha state on this one. And … don’t forget … I’m recording these. And you can now get them on my website here.

Download this one (#6) on your phone so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …

Mindfully Embrace the Past & Welcome the Future

Find your peaceful spot, whether it's a cozy chair or a soft spot to lie down. Begin by taking a deep breath, filling your lungs with air. As you inhale, silently say "relax," and as you exhale, gently whisper "release." With each breath, feel the stress and worries of the day melting away. 🌬🧘‍♀

Allow your body to fully relax. Let your shoulders drop away from your ears, releasing any tension. Unclench your hands, let your jaw soften, and feel the comforting rise and fall of your belly with each breath. Imagine each exhale carrying away a bit of tension, leaving your body lighter and more relaxed. 🍃💆‍♂

Now, turn your attention inward and begin a mental journey through the past year. Start from the first moments of 2023, moving slowly through each month. Allow your mind to wander through the different seasons, recalling the people you met, the places you visited, and the emotions you felt. Visualize the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, the quiet moments and the bustling ones. 📆🌌

As you reach the end of this year-long journey, pause and reflect on how you feel. What emotions arise? What memories stand out? 🤔💭

Next, focus on the most challenging experience of the year. Visualize this challenge as a scene in your life's movie. What did it look like? How did it make you feel? What lessons did it teach you? Imagine taking these lessons and transforming them into a powerful intention for the new year. 🌪🌈

Shift your focus to the happiest moment of the year. Picture this joyous occasion in vivid detail. What colors do you see? What sounds surround you? Can you recall any specific scents or tastes? Immerse yourself in this memory, feeling the happiness and contentment it brought you. Let this positive energy fill every part of your being. 🎉🌸

Consider the connections and impacts this moment had on your life. How can you create more experiences like this in the coming year? What steps can you take, who can support you, and what resources do you need? 🌟🤝

Stay in this space of reflection and intention as long as you need. When you're ready to return to the present, take a few deep breaths, slowly open your eyes, and gently stretch your body. Carry the insights and peace from this journey with you, ready to embrace the new year with open arms and a heart full of hope. 🌞🌿


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