ALL about Your Thyroid and Your Gut!
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🌟 Hiya Gut Foodies! 🌟

Important organ ... the thyroid 🦋. It's like the thermostat on the wall 🌡️... turn it up ... you're warmed 🔥. But when it's down ... you're sluggish, shivering AND MISERABLE 😩!

We have thyroid hormone receptors on every cell in our body 🧬... that's how important the thyroid is! But when those hormones can't get in to turn up the thermostat ... there's trouble in Dodge City ... uh ... your cells 🚨.

Also, Hashimoto's thyroiditis is the most common autoimmune disease on the planet 🌍... affecting one in five women and one in ten men. Yet 50% of people with thyroid disease go undiagnosed because doctors won't test for it ❌🔬!

So here's my Hashimoto's testimonial (this may grow into a two- ... maybe three-parter) 📖. Some more Gut-Tips about Grain-Free food 🍲... research about Hashimoto's and its connection to the gut (are you surprised?) 🤔... and a supplement from my brand-new Hashimoto's Gut-Buster protocol 💊.

Not to mention my autoimmune blog 📝 and a "basic" Micro-Mindful about smell 👃. And topping it all off ... a food funny for yuks 😂!

Oh... and by the way, I would love to hear your feedback about yays and/or nays (and sections you absolutely turn thumbs-up to ... or thumbs down) about GUT FOOD 💌. So drop me a line if you would...


Sometimes you just need some comfort food. And fodder for your fabulous air fryer.

Awhile ago I splurged on a really good stainless steel air fryer. As I could NEVER get my nonstick clean.

So when I was tooling around Sprouts a few weeks ago I saw these ... and they were instantly in my cart. And are now GONE!

Because I'm BUSY! And sometimes need something ... need I say ... FAB 'N FAST for dinner. These are it ... I'm buying more!

Now there's tons of recipes for Paleo chicken tenders ... I even have one. But I'm not shakin' and breadin' when my eyelids are drooping and I'm starving after a long day seeing clients!

Now these are a bit controversial ... as the coating has potato ingredients ... but here's my take. They're easy, they taste good, and  ... nothing's PERFECT! Psst ... there's tons of good Gluten Free ones too if you want to go that route!


Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), the most common autoimmune whisperer worldwide, turns our own immune system into a frenemy, launching attacks on our thyroid 🎯. It's a sneaky saboteur, demanding hormone replacements to keep the peace, and without it, we're on a slippery slope to serious health drama and, dare we say, the D-word... death 💊💀. 

But here's the plot twist: our gut, that complex universe within, might just be the puppet master in this tale, with its cast of trillions of microbes playing lead roles 🌱🦠.

Dive into the gut of Brazilian HT patients, and you'll find a microbial soap opera, with Bacteroides playing the villain, upstaging the good guys like Bifidobacterium 🎭. 

This microbial imbalance, stirred by our dietary choices, might just be the backstage drama fueling HT's fire 🔥🍽️. And as the plot thickens, we find Lactobacillus making a cameo in those skipping synthetic thyroid hormones, hinting at a complex interplay between our diet, our gut, and our thyroid 🧬🍏.

But wait, there's more! Our dietary habits, from the veggies we crunch to the animal proteins we munch, are casting spells on our gut residents, shaping the narrative of our health story 🥦🥩. And as we navigate this intricate dance of microbes, nutrients, and hormones, we're left wondering: can tweaking our diet tune the harmony of our gut orchestra and turn the tide against HT? 🤔🎶 

The quest for answers continues, but one thing's clear: our gut's performance is a critical act in the drama of autoimmune health 🌟🔍.

My Gut-Take: 

This article, "Detection of Alterations in the Gut Microbiota and Intestinal Permeability in Patients with Hashimoto Thyroiditis".just about shouts in a big way that what you eat has a profound effect upon your thyroid ... specifically ... Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

And possibly other autoimmune diseases.

And concludes "The microbiota modulation by diet directly influences the inflammatory profile due to the generated microbiota metabolites and their direct or indirect action on immune cells in the gut mucosa. Although there are no differences in systemic cytokines (inflammation markers) in our patients with HT, we detected increased zonulin (leaky gut marker) concentrations, suggesting a leaky gut in patients with HT."

This was a pretty well-thought-out research study ... using a decent number of those with Hashimoto's (HT) and healthy subjects and analyzing what they ate and the composition of their microbiota as well as inflammatory and leaky gut markers. And stated "There is a lot of evidence that alterations in the gut microbiota are associated with autoimmune diseases development". 

Of course ... you can't double-blind a study like this (where the participants don't know whether they're taking the real thing or the placebo) ... the research gold ring ... but you can't do that with food studies ... and researchers just have to get over it!

I liked ... also ... that they did a review of other articles that corroborated their findings. Throwing more fodder on the growing consciousness that leaky gut is a factor in autoimmune disease. Oh ... how many years have I been saying that?



[From my Fullscript apothecary]

Lymph Detox maintains a healthy immune response in the lymphatic system.*

Your lymphatic system is, essentially, a huge drainage network for the body. Lymph Detox helps maintain a healthy lymphatic drainage, detoxification and function.*

Herbs like Dandelion Root and Burdock Root, support your body without the negative side effects that come from using products with harmful or toxic ingredients.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

You're probably wondering ... what is "lymph" and why am I "detox"-ing it? Lymphatic fluid cleanses nearly every cell in your body by removing toxins, metabolic waste, and more. It also helps to deliver vital white blood cells throughout the body which help fight disease, balance bodily fluids, and absorb fat in your digestive system. 

Your lymphatic system's circulating fluid is our best defense against getting sick. But when it gets clogged it causes a multitude of problems like skin issues, dehydration, and inflammation to name just a few.

So it's all-important to have a functioning lymphatic system when you're healing things in your body. Because you run the risk of damming up its drainage when you're changing your gut's microbiome, causing bad-bacteria die-off that needs to be eliminated effectively.

Hence this supplement. I gave you a liver detox in my Smash Salicylate Sensitivity Now! supplement protocol. Now ... since I created a whole new Hashimoto's Gut-Buster protocol just for this GUT FOOD issue ... we're also detoxing yet another of the body's vital systems. See the whole thing … and the explanation of why I chose these particular supplements … at my Fullscript apothecary

Oh… by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


🌈🔥 Autoimmune Apocalypse? 50 million warriors are battling invisible enemies like Hashimoto's & Lupus, caught in our bodies' mistaken civil war. 🛡️💢 It's not just a blip on the health radar; it's a full-scale alert, peeps! And the plot twist? Our daily dose of toxins is playing puppeteer with our immune system, turning it against us. 🎭☠️

🍽️🚨 Gut Check Time! The battleground? Our bellies. The modern diet's doing a number on our gut lining, leaving us wide open for toxins to waltz right into our bloodstream. 🌱💊This isn't just about ditching gluten or dairy; it's about fortifying our gut fortress and cutting off the VIP pass for autoimmune invaders. 🥗🚫

🚀💪 Gear Up for a Gut Revolution! It's time to flip the script from defense to offense in our health saga. Kicking toxins to the curb and pampering our gut isn't just wellness talk—it's our battle cry! 🌪️🥦 

🌈💪Armed with knowledge and a sprinkle of gutsy moves, we can reclaim our health from the jaws of autoimmune chaos. Let's detox like champs and show these autoimmune gremlins who's boss. Ready, team? Let's heal like heroes! 🌟🛡️



OK ... we're switching gears and beginning to explore the senses today.Smell statistically is most-remembered ... so here's a Micro-Mindful about smell. 

I like this script as it imparts qualities to smells ... qualities you may not have thought smells had before. Qualities that may stimulate memories and possibly heal past experiences.

So don't be startled if you flip into a kitchen smell in a long-ago forgotten scene (my experience) or the scent of gasoline from your prized first motorcycle. GO WITH IT!

Use mindful breathing to calm you throughout the day: when you brush your teeth, stop at a red light, waiting for an appointment, when the phone rings, etc. Find your own times to use mindful breathing.

Put “breathe” signs on your mirror, kitchen cabinet, or dashboard to remind you to breathe, mindfully and deeply (I actually tell myself out loud using my name ... i.e. "Breathe, Jill")

In stressful situations and/or emergencies ... when you find yourself starting to feel tense, anxious, or in pain, use your breathing to calm you ... take 3 to 5 mindful breaths ... but even one can make a difference. 

You'll find these in the "Back To Basics" section of "My Micro-Mindfuls" here! I'm designing these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work.

So download this one (BASICS FOUR) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …

Journey Through Scent 🌸🍂 ... A Mindful Exploration

Either seated in a straight-backed chair or lying down 🪑💤… comfortable and alert 🧘‍♂️… breathe in and out deeply 🌬️… slowly two or three times… calling attention to and sending the breath to areas that you sense as tight or tense… relaxing them. 

Now… as you breathe in… take a moment to notice what aromas arrive in through your nostrils 👃. Can you name the scents? The smell of your breath… the smell of your skin… the aromas of lotion, perfume oils or sweat 💧. 

Observe the heaviness or lightness of scent. Citrus 🍊… bright and lively, … or subtle and soft. Floral 🌸… sweet and fragrant… or herbal 🌿 and fresh. Earthy 🍂… dry and dusty… or damp and rich. Take in all the smells of you and their qualities… 

Now broaden the area where you sense a smell… do you sense the aroma of food or the lingering scents of cooking? Savory scents. Spicy scents. Sweet scents. The smell of something fried lingering in the air. Butter or oil 🍳. 

Perhaps… as you take in an even wider area… you observe the smell of books or paper, dusty or sterile 📚. Harsh scents. Soft scents. As you breath in… notice all the scents around you. 

🌸🍂 Now notice any memories that arise. If memories come up… what smells do you remember… sensations you forgot… emotions you never felt before. Imagine engaging in the experiences associated with that memory and dwell on it for a moment.🍊📚


🌸 Now… pay close attention to the scents in the present moment that are bringing you back… for this moment… to the past. Continue to observe the scents… but now letting go now of the memory. 🍳

🪑💤 Simply breathing… now attaching no memory or judgement to the aromas you’re breathing in. Breathe in. Breathe out… continue this a few times. Now softly open your eyes… reacquaint yourself with your surroundings… and go about your day with the memory of these aromas lingering in your senses. 🍂



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