I Share My Anti-Aging Secrets with YOU!
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🌟 Hiya Gut Foodies! 🌟

WOW ... what an issue! I decided to do this because I'm so into using essential oils and raw, natural products to make my OWN face products. Part of this motivation is that ... first ... I don't want to overfill my "bucket of toxins" that may lead to immune system overload and inflammation.

And ... second ... I wanted to share this info with you. Believe me ... I've got wrinkles. But ... at almost 79 ... I'm constantly getting "You don't look it! (I believe that it's my neck)"

And I have enough energy to work 60 to eighty hours a week, exercise 5 days a week, and have a very full life. But ... I think I paleo in the shadow of my sister ... who's now 84, plays tennis and golf every day, and also has a full life with her kids and grandkids.

So ... here you are ... the first of a series of issues about beauty and anti-aging ...  showcasing the avocado and a "beauty food", research and plaudits about collagen as not only a skin elixir but something that can reduce gut symptoms, and one of my fav daily DIY masks to make your face glow!

And would you believe an ACTUAL exercise about ... what else ... using mindfulness for your beauty regime ... even if you just wash your face. Along with a "Beauty Funny" that those ... like me ... who LOVE their makeup ... will get a chuckle at. Eat (uh .... drink) it AAALLL UP!


Every time I see an article about foods that make your skin glow ... avocado is always on the list. Probably because it's one of the few foods I can think of with the greatest oils on the planet!

As a matter of fact, it's full of healthy fats (70% monounsaturated ... almost as much as prized olive oil) and vitamin E ... that are the building blocks for healthy skin cell function. These fats may also help improve hydration.

Not only that, it has tons of concentrated nutrients and fiber ... which promote the growth of healthy bacterial diversity and lower bile acids.

Greater bile acid concentrations induce intestinal inflammation and are related to the growth of microbes associated with negative health outcomes like colon cancer. And certain diverse bacteria produce short-chain fatty 

acids (SCFAs), which help fuel colon cells and protect against diseases like colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. 

As you probably know if you've read anything I've written ... any type of inflammation will age you from the inside out. And reducing inflammation can also reduce heart disease, cancer, and leaky gut. 

And did you know that avocados also help with weight loss? Yes ... it's true! A number of studies have associated avocado intake with weight loss, improved satiety, and decreased abdominal fat.

So there must be a reason why avocado toast is one of the favorite breakfasts and snacks in the U.S.  Actually ... according to what I've outlined above ... there are at least a dozen reasons.


🌟 Hey Gut Foodies! 🌟 Let's talk about the magic of collagen! 💫 Collagen is a big deal for our skin's firmness and keeps us looking fab, but did you know it's also a superstar for your insides?

As we age, our natural collagen production slows down, leading to less firm skin and more tummy troubles. 😢 Collagen supplements are all the rage, projected to hit a whopping $7.5 billion market by 2027! 📈

But it's not just about looking good; it's about feeling good too! Studies like the Gutme! show collagen can seriously cut down on bloating and tummy pain. 🙌

Imagine, less bloating and more regular bowel movements just from collagen! And with everyone glued to their digital devices 📱, tracking the effects of collagen has never been easier or more personal, thanks to apps and digital diaries. 🌐

So, if you're feeling bloated or your digestive dance is out of step, maybe it's time to give collagen a whirl. You could be waving goodbye to those pesky tummy troubles faster than you can say "smoothie!" 🥤💚

My Gut-Take: 

This human study, "Effect of a Daily Collagen Peptide Supplement on Digestive Symptoms in Healthy Women: 2-Phase Mixed Methods Study" ... and other research ... pretty much PROVES that skin and gut health are indelibly linked per the gut-skin axis.

LOVE that this is an actual human study (most are done on mice and other research animals) and that it was also well-designed. Not all research is!

The introduction starts out by saying that "consumer awareness of collagen for digestive health is low (64/204, 31.4%)". In reality ... until I read this study ... I didn't know either.

But I figured that ... since I DO believe that every part of the human body influences all others ... this may be true also. And it was very prudent of the researchers to test beliefs among consumers and health care practitioners alike. So ... 

"Phase 1 was a mixed methods design to explore current attitude and practice among consumers and health care practitioners. The findings were used to design an 8-week phase 2 digital study ... "

Then they actually did the study. "Phase 2 ... Participation involved 2 weeks of baseline tracking (digestive symptoms, mood, stool, and lifestyle) using an app, followed by 8 weeks of tracking and taking 20 g collagen peptide supplement split into 2 dosages per day."

The results were HUGELY significant. "93% (13/14 ... a small number of participants that actually finished the study) of the participants reported a reduction in bloating and 93% (13/14) experienced an improvement in bowel habits with the most frequently reported symptom being relief from constipation:"

And here are some powerful testimonials from participants .... 

The product, it did help with my bloating quite a bit, but even more than that, it practically resolved my chronic constipation. Prior to the study I’d have problems with constipation on almost a daily basis, since beginning the product I’ve had issues maybe once or twice. 

I no longer have that heavy feeling, as I had in the past. It’s like day and night with my gut. Bloating is down and I now go to the toilet regularly.

Great reduction in bloating. Consistency of stools now normal, first time ever. No more diarrhea. Felt a difference almost from day 2.

That's MAJOR ... never saw such sweeping results before! And ... even though I use collagen sporadically ...  I'm thinking of using it daily because of them. Will keep you posted!




Multi Collagen Protein powder is a hydrolyzed formula of 5 different types of Collagen (Types I, II, III, V & X) from 5 different collagen food sources, and provides 18 different amino acids all-in-one.

Collagen production naturally declines over time and can cause issues with bones, joints, skin, hair and nails among many others.

Collagen is best known to:

  • Support joints, bones, and muscle health*
  • Support skin health and may help decrease visible signs of aging*
  • Support healthy digestion*
  • Promote healthy hair and nails*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

You're probably asking ... WHAT IS COLLAGEN? It's the most abundant structural extracellular (outside your cells) protein which supports the structure of the cell, connective tissue, and other vital support functions. 

Collagen is the main protein found in the skin which is responsible for its firmness and youthfulness. That's why it's a HUGE craze today. And research has actually shown that collagen peptides can be broken down to novel proteins that can be safely used by the body and even improve the wellness of your hair, skin, and nails. 

Collagen makes up about 75-80% of our skin and is responsible for its firmness. It is produced less as we age. As it degrades, skin demonstrates poor elasticity, firmness, and moisture retention ... DON'T I KNOW IT!

And dietary sources just can't give us oldies enough to stop this onslaught. That's why it might be prudent to supplement. And that this supplement is a MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR business.

I DO prefer the kind that has all five types of fish(marine) collagen seems to be the best for this skin improvement. And others provide different amino acid profiles that may also be beneficial for your body. Actually ... marine collagen was integral in the research study below.

 You can get collagen along with other great smoothie (and other recipes on my website) makins' in my Good Gut Pudding (or Smoothie or Mug Cake) protocol at my Fullscript apothecary. Try it daily ... your skin may love you for it!


Announcing a whole NEW recipe category ... Fab 'N Fast Beauty. 🌟 And the very first in this category ... Green Tea Face Mask. 🍵

Quite frankly ... almost every manufactured cream ... or for that matter ... anything you put on your body and in your hair ... has preservatives and other ingredients I can't pronounce. 🚫 So we're adding that poisonous crap to the imaginary bucket of toxins ... along with the growing environmental ones ... inside us. 🌍

And when that imaginary bucket overflows ... leaky gut and resulting health conditions ensue. 💧 Did I ever tell you that Irritable Bowel Syndrome ... a term that doctors use because they don't know what what the H ... is going on with your gut ... is the NUMBER ONE reason people go to doctors today? 🏥

So I'm not surprised that it is because ... when you add together the toxic stuff from the environment ... and the plastic-fantastic chemical food we eat ... AND the things we put on our bodies ... that bucket must be overflowing for many of us! 🛢️

That's why I make as many of the things I put on my body as pure and healing as I can. 🌱 And purchase as much hypoallergenic makeup as I can to keep that toxic bucket from overflowing. 💄

OK ... enough about me. Let's talk about this FABULOUS face mask. 🎭 This is actually a new addition to my DIY cosmetics. But ... when I noticed the other day that my 78 year-old face was actually glowing ... I just HAD to share it with you first.

The squalane oil in it is ultra-moisturizing. 🧴 And has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce redness and swelling in acne and even other skin conditions like eczema. 🔥 Green tea is also anti-inflammatory and has been known to calm skin redness like rosacea. 🍵

I used squalane oil with vitamin E added ... but you can add a little too as a preservative if yours doesn't. 🛢️ And the beeswax is for stability. 🐝

I brush this on every night before I go to sleep. 🌜 I've been using it for only a couple of weeks and already notice the difference. Thank you to for a terrific idea. 🙏

And another terrific idea that they gave me was a Turkish coffee pot. ☕ I bought a stainless steel one for less than $15 on Amazon and it's ideal for these DIY-double-boiler cosmetic projects as it seems to hold about 1 1/2 cups of liquid. So save your double-boiler for food recipes. 🥘

I call this Fab 'N Fast because ... like most of these ... it takes minutes to prepare and has only 4 ingredients (3 if you use oil with vitamin E). It DOES ... however ... need some time in the fridge to firm up. ❄️

So ... GLOW ... I KNOW you will! ✨



Do you know that you can use mindfulness when you're practicing your beauty regime (either putting on or taking off)? Yes ... I'm a HUGE fan of using mindfulness EVERYWHERE!

The Buddhists do ... so why not here? And I LOVE this because it incorporates all the senses. And ... it just makes "sense" as we do use all of them ... when you think (or feel) of it ... when doing our regimes. 

So next time you cleanse your face or put on moisturizer or makeup try this! Again ... I'm an advocate ... like the Buddhists ... of doing mindfulness with everything I do. So GO FOR IT!

You'll find the audio version in "My Micro-Mindfuls" page here! I'm designing all of these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work.

So download this one (NUMBER THIRTEEN) and whatever else you'd like on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin … AGAIN ...


🌸🌬️Breathe Your Way to Beauty 🌬️💆‍♀️

Before you start, make sure you have some extra time for your skincare routine. 🕒 And find a space where you won’t be disturbed … close the bathroom or bedroom door and take three deep breaths in and out … breathe in 🌬️… and out. Breathe in 🌬️… and out. Breathe in 🌬️… and out. Take a pause … close your eyes or lower your gaze 🙈… and make sure you’re comfortable at this moment.

Now notice how you feel … take a physical and mental survey of your body and mind. How do you feel today? 🤔 Try to relax your muscles … noticing any thoughts or areas of tightness, such as the shoulders, forehead, or jaw. Move and stretch each area of tension if you’d like … then relax it. 🧘

Sense your feet touching the ground 🦶… and try to tune into your breath yet again. There’s no need to change the breath … simply listen and observe movements in your body as you breathe in and out.

Once you’re relaxed … take your time as you begin your skincare routine. If your thoughts start to wander off … simply bring yourself back to what you’re doing, using your breath as an anchor to focus your attention. ⚓

Listen to your senses … Keeping your breath in mind, tune into your senses with each product you apply. Try not to go too quickly … moving through each step with intention and remembering that your experience is unique to you. There IS no right or wrong. 🌀

You might start by looking in the mirror at the unique shapes and lines that make up your face. Try looking at yourself as if you were a stranger … perhaps having never seen a human before. Or maybe you look at the packaging of your products. What do you notice? Maybe it’s something you’ve never seen before. 👀

Bring your awareness to what happens when you go to use the product. How does it move from the container to your hand or other application method? 🤲

Watch with a sense of curiosity. You might even imagine where the ingredients have come from and the journey they have taken to get to you. 🌿➡️🧴

As you work through your routine listen for any sounds … either in the room or in the background. Can you hear running water? Or do you make any sounds as you move through your routine? Pay attention to the sounds of spray 🚿… a brush 🖌️… a sponge 🧽… your hand on your skin. 🖐️

When you apply any product to your face notice how it feels. Is it rough or smooth? Does it foam up or soak into your skin? 🧼🤔

What sensations do you feel as you move it around on your skin or as you splash water on your face? It might simply be the touch of the air on your wet skin that comes to your attention or a soft towel stroking your face. 🌬️🍃

Now tune into your sense of smell. What do you observe? How does it make you feel or does it bring about any emotion? Does it make you feel energized? 💫

Can you smell anything else aside from your skincare product? Maybe fresh air through a window or bathroom cleaner. At this point … you might also notice any tastes in your mouth. Or perhaps nothing at all. 🌬️🌼

Once you’ve completed your routine take a moment to savor the experience before you rush back into the day. Enjoy this moment of feeling refreshed and acknowledge the act of self-care you’ve just taken for yourself. 🌟🍃

Remember, your practice can differ entirely from one day to another … even if you repeat the exact same process. As emotions, thoughts, and physical feelings change each day … this mindfulness practice will also. Note it … and go about your day. 🚶‍♀️🌈



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