
Hallooo Gutsy 

Here's the next newsletter ... including some kick-ass info about healing foods, healing supplements,. research on healing supplements ... and a mind-blowing mindfulness script to literally take your breath away! 


Dinner anyone? AGAIN? I depend upon for a lot of the things that are MIA at my Sprouts or Whole Foods.

All my Grain-Free pastas and jarred sauces are available at a discount (you spin for one when you sign in). And those Hu chocolate bars … you can get a slew of ‘em …

They’re 100% non-GMO and you can search for Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Keto, Paleo … and a whole host of other dietary modifications. And they’re the only ones who have my fav Tache … pistachio milk!

No produce here … But that’s what your local Farmers Market is for!


🦠🌿 The COVID-19 pandemic has unraveled many mysteries, but one stands out: the surprising role of our gut health in fighting the virus! A groundbreaking study titled"Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis in COVID-19: Modulation and Approaches for Prevention and Therapy"sheds light on this crucial connection. 🌟🔬

Did you know that the tiny microbes in your gut could be superheroes in the COVID-19 saga? 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ The study reveals that COVID-19 can mess up the balance of good bacteria in our gut, known as gut microbiota dysbiosis. This imbalance leads to a decrease in friendly bacteria that usually help us fight off infections. 🤒👎

But here's the twist: some of these gut bacteria are like secret agents against viruses! They produce special metabolites that can block the virus's notorious S protein, stopping it in its tracks. 🛡️🦠 However, when our gut is out of balance, it can worsen inflammation and oxidative stress, making COVID-19's effects even more severe. 😷💥

The study emphasizes the importance of keeping our gut microbiota healthy and diverse. Eating the right foods and possibly using specific natural compounds can help maintain this delicate balance. This isn't just about COVID-19; it's about preparing our bodies to be stronger against future pandemics. 🥦💪🌍

So, let's not underestimate the power of our gut health! It's not just about digestion; it's about building a fortress against viruses like COVID-19. By understanding and nurturing our gut microbiota, we're not just fighting a virus; we're fortifying our body's natural defenses for whatever challenges lie ahead. 🌈🛡️🚀

My Gut-Take: 

It always amazes me that doctors haven’t embraced the concept of leaky gut causing worse COVID. I thought that was a possibility DURING the pandemic … so much that I even cited research about it in my blog entitled Poor Gut Health Means Worse COVID-19.


As I often wondered why healthy, fit people died from it … like a beloved 41 year-old Broadway star (I’m a Broadway-o-phile and did many musicals in my acting “past-life”) … and oldies like me survived with minimal or no symptoms.

The article that I talked about (check it out above) made ultimate sense … leaky gut … COVID seeps into the bloodstream … and goes all over the body. No-brainer!

But this one I’m highlighting also brought up the issue that COVID actually causes poor gut health in that it promotes “decreased abundance of bacteria with probiotic effects”. And that when your gut is flourishingly-abundant with different types ... certain strains of these bacteria produce metabolites that can target the S protein of other coronaviruses, thereby preventing their transmission and harmful effects”.

AND “At the same time, the presence of gut dysbiosis can exacerbate inflammation and oxidative stress, creating a vicious cycle that perpetuates the disease”. So COVID and leaky gut appear to be both the chicken AND the egg!


Because … not only does COVID flourish in a leaky gut situation. But COVID actually causes leaky gut. Double –trouble!


I also love that the study brings up fecal transplants as a possible remedy for all this. Although the procedure is controversial … and entails putting the feces of a healthy individual into that of a compromised one … it seems to be popping up everywhere in research I read!

Any way you look at it … these studies about COVID bring leaky gut to the forefront of concern as a culprit AND a victim of lingering and fatal COVID outcomes.


[From my Fullscript apothecary] Critical Digestion™ represents the most potent digestive enzyme blend available.* This formula utilizes high potency plant-based enzymes and beneficial probiotics to provide critical digestive support.* These beneficial enzymes encourage optimal digestion and nutrient absorption from proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

I take one of these with almost every meal along with the Atrantil I talked about in my last “Gut Food”. This dynamic duo appear to stop any bloating or digestive discomfort cold!

I even put them in tiny baggies in a small case in my purse so I have them when I go out to dinner with friends. As a good digestive enzyme … and this is one … helps not only to digest food but speeds up the transit time (how long the food takes to go through your digestive system).

Which is really important if you’re one of those who has a sluggish gut. It’s not in my Good Gut Elixir protocol but it’s yet another supplement to try if you have that uncomfortable gas and bloating. And you can get both on my Fullscript apothecary.

And … by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


I publish this every year for the holidays (you'll get another next month for Christmas ... and I'm republishing my FANTASTIC Paleo Pumpkin Pie next week ... a fav to get you through ALL the holidays. Wanna make it next week? Here's the link ...) Eat it UP!

🍂 Thanksgiving is a time of joy, family, and, of course, delicious food! But it's also a time when we can easily overindulge. Thanks to insights from "Eat This, Not That," we can navigate the Thanksgiving table with a bit more wisdom. Here's a quick guide to the best and worst choices for your festive meal.

Dessert Delights & Dilemmas 🍰🥧
Let's start with everyone's favorite - desserts! The BEST choice is the classic Pumpkin Pie, offering a sweet treat at just 192 calories and 6.3g of fat per slice. It's a guilt-free way to satisfy your sweet tooth. On the flip side, the WORST option is Pecan Pie, a calorie-laden choice with 645 calories and 40.6g of fat per slice. It's a decadent dessert that might require some portion control.

The Main Attraction: Turkey 🦃
Turkey, the centerpiece of Thanksgiving, can be both healthy and indulgent. The BEST pick is Skinless White Meat, light and nutritious with only 108 calories for a 3 oz serving. However, the WORST choice is Dark Meat with Skin, containing 175 calories for the same amount. Opting for the right cut can make a significant difference in your calorie intake.

A Final Note 🍴✨
Remember, Thanksgiving is about balance and enjoyment. By making smarter choices in just a few areas, you can savor the flavors without the post-meal guilt. And if you're curious about more detailed nutritional analyses and tips for other Thanksgiving staples, head over to the full blog on by clicking the button below for a comprehensive guide to a healthier holiday feast. 🌟👉

🍁 Wishing you a happy, healthy, and mindful Thanksgiving! 🍁



This script is the very next step on the mindfulness journey. It begins to connect you mindfully with your senses … particularly sound here … Evoking the senses harnesses them as powerful tools for healing.

When I worked as an actress, my senses were my friends. They connected me with my emotions and began to … even without my conscious knowledge … heal my relationship with them. And then allowed me to select emotional responses as I saw fit.

So I encourage you to find a comfortable seated position in a quiet area and focus on the natural rhythm of your breath. Then notice the sensations arising from your body. Then focus on sound.

Don’t forget to acknowledge distractions and thoughts without judgment …visualizing them as leaves floating away on a stream … and then returning your focus to your breath and the sounds around you. So let’s begin …

Journey Through the Sense of Sound:

Begin by finding a cozy spot, and gently close your eyes. Take a deep, calming breath in, and let's dive into a sensory journey. 🌟

Focus on your breath. Feel its gentle touch – maybe in the rise and fall of your chest, or the subtle movement in your stomach. Notice the cool sensation at your nostrils or the soft passage at your lips. Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly. Observe the subtle differences in each breath, letting it flow naturally. 🍃

Now, tune into the sound of your breathing. It's a soft, rhythmic whisper, your own personal melody. Let it be your background music as you expand your awareness to the sounds around you. The distant ticking of a clock, a murmur from the hallway, or the rustle of leaves outside – all part of your tranquil world. 🌌👂

If your mind starts to wander, that's okay. Acknowledge your thoughts, let them drift away like leaves on a stream, and gently bring your focus back to your breath and the sounds that surround you. 🍂

Choose a sound to focus on, maybe the melody of a wind chime or any ambient sound in your space. What images or words does this sound bring to mind? Let these mental pictures or phrases linger for a moment. Listen again. Has your perception changed? Do you feel different emotions, or has the mental image transformed? Embrace these new sensations and visions. 🎐💭

When you're ready, slowly open your eyes. Stretch gently, embracing the calm and clarity you've nurtured. Carry this sense of peace with you as you move through your day, filled with newfound awareness and tranquility. 🌤️🧘✨


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