Even MORE on Healing Secrets of the Gut-Muscle Axis
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🌟 Hiya Gut Foodies! 🌟

For those of you with aches and pains ... which is a lot of us ... this series is for you! But ... unfortunately ... it's coming to an end ... for now ... You may want to read all of them ... just go to The Newsletter Archive

There are so many more foods, research, supplements, and mindfulness scripts to explore. And so many topics to get to. Diabetes next ... 

But ... for today ... more research on the gut-muscle axis that joins the roster of gut-(part of body) axes ... this one a deep dive into how bile acids signal changes in the muscles. And a Gut-Tip about a total anti-inflammatory diet. As well as a spotlight on two centuries-old spices whose active components form one of the supplements in my brand-new Jill's Jivin' Joints supplement protocol.

And a recipe for a real-food energy drink ... whose widely-used counterparts have inflammation-calming ingredients. As well as a very special pain Micro-Mindful, and a food-for-thought pain quote.

All in this information-packed issue geared to ease YOUR pain. Eat it ALLLL up ...


I think I talked about anti-inflammatory diets before here but it's always great to review. And I don't like to call any sort of eating a "die-t" as it has the word "DIE" in it (LOL???).

But I'm a dietitian and "DIET" forms part of my official signature. And I DO believe that changing your diet is the FIRST bastion of defense for not only leaky gut ... but also the problems CAUSED by leaky gut ... which are many.

I ALWAYS start with changing diet ... uh eats ... because if you don't do that you skip the FOUNDATION of all healthy (OOPS ... I don't like that word either) regimes. I can't tell you how many clients have come to me after having practitioners just treat them with supplements.

IT DOESN'T WORK ... you have to start with eating. For a bunch of reasons.

So let's get down to it ... anti-inflammatory eats are very similar to the ones I use all the time to heal guts.  The main components are ...

Well ... not so sure about the red wine (never been a fan) but the rest of the foods are good ideas ... especially the dark chocolate. I'd also avoid processed foods, cane and other processed sugars, gluten, and dairy ... as well as minimizing grains.

Gee ... sounds like a Paleo diet ... or a Mediterranean diet ... or a Vegetarian diet. Whatever you what to call it ... eating closer to nature (aka more fruits and vegatables ... and organic) with good fats (from nuts, good oils, and fatty fish), healing foods and spices ... sounds like a really good idea to me.

And ... one more thing ... customize it however you what ... so very important for you to STAY on it!


💪! They're not just about digestion; they're influencing everything from muscle strength to how quickly we bounce back after a workout. It’s like discovering your gut has a secret superpower for your muscles!

🧬 Dive into the details: Research shows these micro-mighties can tweak our metabolism and even our muscle responses through something called bile acids. These acids get a makeover in our gut and then go on to chat with our muscles, telling them how to behave—basically, they're like the body’s own little messengers 💌.

And the cherry on top? This all plays into keeping our muscles beefy and functional, especially as we get older. So next time you're sipping a smoothie, think about the microscopic workout going on inside, thanks to your gut pals! 🥤💬

My Gut-Take: 

This review study, "Gut microbiota–bile acid–skeletal muscle axis" explores in great detail the link not only between the gut and the muscle but the role bile acids play in bringing this about.

It seems that AGAIN that there's a gut-(name of body part) axis for for EVERY part of the body. And ... I'm not surprised ... because this concept totally validates the Root Cause (Functional) Medicine of whole-body treatment.

The study begins by hypothesizing ... "bile acids, produced in the liver and further metabolized by intestinal microbiota, are of considerable interest since they regulate several host metabolic pathways by activating nuclear receptors, including the farnesoid X receptor (FXR). 

Indeed, alteration of gut microbiota may lead to skeletal muscle atrophy via a bile acid–FXR pathway. This Review aims to suggest a new pathway that connects different mechanisms, involving the gut–muscle axis, that are often seen as unrelated, and, starting from preclinical studies, we hypothesize new strategies aimed at optimizing skeletal muscle functionality."

To do this, they explore 81 both animal and human studies. The animal studies we totally ground-breaking as they actually identified the missing microbiome strains and they replaced them to positive muscle effect.

The human studies were even more interesting ... beginning with a mindblowing blanket statement ... "indeed, in the case of elderly people, probiotic supplementation may become essential since the analysis of intestinal microbiota showed an alteration in microbial composition as a function of age and health status (WHOA!). 

As a matter of fact, the gut microbiota of frail or sarcopenic people is more altered (e.g., enriched in proinflammatory commensals at the expense of beneficial microbes) compared with people of the same age who are better in health" I'd like to use myself as an example ... I se probiotics daily.

The study concludes ... "We believe that, in line with the current available evidence, harboring a ‘metabolically favorable’ microbiota may be fundamental for maintaining a normal muscle protein synthesis rate in specific conditions of anabolic resistance, such as aging. 

Moreover, targeting the network between microbiota, bile acid, and FXR signaling seems to evolve a promising avenue for the treatment of age-associated skeletal muscle loss, and we hope that this Review will stimulate a debate and new research on this matter".

Finally ... I LOVE this ... "The gut microbiota, is by now recognized as a ‘central metabolic organ’ because of its ability to produce bioactive compounds influencing human health in a series of host–microbe metabolic axes". There it is ... a case for whole-person treatment. WAKE UP DOCS!



[From my Fullscript Apothecary]

Key nutrients to support restoration from Herxheimer reactions, including bicarbonates, CurcuWIN® turmeric, and standardized Boswellia.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

What's a Herxheimer reaction? It's a natural bodily process triggered by a greater prevalence of endotoxins that are released when harmful microorganisms and bacteria are destroyed or die off.

As bacteria are destroyed, they release from within them these endotoxins into the bloodstream. Which allows them to be eliminated from your body.

However, when we're treating bacterial overgrowth ... or trying to reduce that pesky joint or overall inflammation ... it can cause a lot of released endotoxins ... which can lead to even more toxicity. And the worsening of existing and development of new symptoms.

And even more inflammation. And pain. And ... I hate to say it ... NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories you probably use every day) lead to cartilage deterioration and even more inflammation.

So ... what are we to do? I've studied natural compounds for over 30 years. I even wrote a very controversial chapter on them for treating cancer in a text, Nutritional Issues in Cancer Care ... still available on Amazon (it's almost 20 years old now and still in print). Which led to more textbook writing and speaking gigs.

So I've known about these ancient ingredients for pain FOR YEARS! Boswellia is a traditional Ayurvedic (East Indian traditional medicine) remedy that has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, antioxidant and anti-arthritic activity in both animal and human studies.

Curcumin (we talked about turmeric in the last issue ... curcumin is the active ingredient ... last week in GUT FOOD ... check it out here. It is best known for powerful and widespread anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity and is effective for natural pain relief.

 Research has shown that curcumin has the ability to modulate many inflammatory pathways in the body, making it therapeutic for a wide range of health problems including arthritis. And the crazy part of it is that one active ingredient improves that absorption of another ... gotta LOVE natural compounds!

Multiple studies have shown that curcumin is significantly more effective than placebo in relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis ... and does not pose significant safety risks. And ... guess what ... they're comparable to NSAIDS in their power to reduce inflammation. 

Gotta LOVE natural compounds! And together... they perpetuate. Which makes them stronger ... as blending other natural compounds together does.

That's why I added them to my newly-created Jill's Jivin' Joints protocol at my Fullscript apothecary. Your knees (and other achy body parts) will LOVE you for it!


🍋💧 Ready to quench your thirst the REAL way? Ditch those blue, sugar-laden electrolyte drinks and sip on something that's actually good for you—my Lemon-Ginger Electrolyte Drink! It's part of my Fab 'n Fast collection because it's just that—fabulous and quick to whip up!

🌿✨ Crafted with the wisdom of my colleague Susan Linke, this drink swaps nasty artificial ingredients for pure, nourishing goodness. No more fake colors or tooth-enamel-destroying citric acid. Plus, it's customizable with Paleo-friendly sweeteners or a natural, sugar-free option. It’s hydration with a health halo!

🥤👀 Wave goodbye to boring water and hello to hydration with a twist. This lemony-ginger delight not only replenishes your electrolytes with real food but does it without any artificial nonsense. It's perfect for anyone looking to stay hydrated, the real-food way. Drink up and feel great! 🚀🌱



I couldn't have closed out this pain series WITHOUT a mindful reduce-pain practice. This one includes many of my mindfulness tools including visualizing and using a mantra for healing.

And ... most near and dear to my heart ... using the senses to heal. Reminds me of my Method acting and coaching days ... where we used the senses not for healing but for stimulating emotion.

 But both help here ... as releasing and accepting emotions is a healing too.

And don't forget these mindfulness tools ... put “breathe” signs on your mirror, kitchen cabinet, or dashboard to remind you to breathe, mindfully and deeply (and tell yourself out loud using your name ... i.e. "Breathe, Jill")

In stressful situations and/or emergencies ... when you find yourself starting to feel tense, anxious, or in pain, use your breathing to calm you ... take 3 to 5 mindful breaths ... but even one can make a difference. 

You'll find this on the "My Micro-Mindfuls" page of my website by clicking on the button below. I'm designing these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work.

So download this one (NUMBER FOURTEEN) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …


Accept Pain & Find Relief 🕊️

Find a comfortable position, making sure that your back is supported. Lying down or sitting in a firm chair with head support are ideal. 🛋️

As you settle into a comfortable position, just notice how you are feeling in this moment. Without trying to change anything, observe your body and mind. 👀🧠

Where is most of your tension stored? 🤔

What part of your body is most relaxed? 😌

Take a deep breath in … now exhale. 💨

Breathe in…. and out … breath in … and out 🌬️

Continue to breathe slowly, smoothly. 🌀

Now just observe  … Do not try to make anything happen. Notice how your whole body feels. Passively observe … simply take note of how your body feels. 📝

Now observe the state of your pain in this moment. Just observe. Observe as each moment passes.

Try for the next few moments to regard your pain with acceptance. Accept the way you are feeling right now physically and emotionally … whether positive or negative … allow your body and mind to just be…. 🕊️

Accepting ... observing ...

Now say to yourself … I accept myself ...

I accept this pain ... the whole of it …I accept it ... I let go of the need to control or to change it in this moment  … 💆‍♂️

I accept the pain….. 🙏

I release myself from the need to do anything right now … Just be … 🧘

I accept myself….. 🌟

There is nothing you need to be doing in this moment, besides accepting this moment just as it is. 🕰️

Observe again your pain … and notice that you can alter the pain slightly. See if you are able to transform the feeling, just a little … breathe down to wherever the pain is and allow the breath to carry the pain away … 💨

Picture the pain…. notice its exact location. Imagine that instead of pain, this area feels cool….. even a bit cold…. as if you have applied a comfortable ice pack to this area. Feel the coolness. ❄️

The area might even start to feel a little less cold … closer to the way the rest of your body feels … 🌡️

Now focus in on this area … and imagine a slightly different feeling of your choice. You may wish to imagine the sensation of pleasant tingling… warmth… or soft but firm, comfortable pressure.

Imagine this sensation now. Imagine the sensation replacing just a tiny bit of the pain….. and a tiny bit more of the pain…… more and more….. 🔥

Feel this new sensation growing….. pleasantly…. providing some relief….. allowing you to relax … move that part of you if you can … noticing the warmth spread throughout that area … whooshing away the pain … 🌊

Take a deep breath in….. and out…. 💨

in….. and out….. 💨

in….. out….. 💨

Continue to breathe slowly and rhythmically as you now calm your mind.

Breathe in…. peace

Breathe out…. full

In…. peace

Out… full





Continue to repeat this word in your mind, focusing your attention on this word whenever your thoughts wander.

Keep repeating this word … 🕊️

When your thoughts drift … focus your attention again on Peace … ful … 🌿

Continue in the way as long as you like … Then slowly reawaken your body now. Take a deep breath in…. and out. Feel your mind and body becoming more awake and alert.
Move your arms and legs … and stretch your muscles to let them reawaken … 🤸‍♂️

Now sit for a moment now with your eyes open … observing the room around you. When you’re ready … return to your usual activities … keeping with you a sense of calm, relief … and less pain … 🧘‍♀️🌟



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