
Hallooo Gutsy 

Here's the next newsletter ... including some kick-ass info about healing foods, healing supplements,. research on healing supplements ... and a mind-blowing mindfulness script to literally take your breath away! 


Crave chocolate … gone Paleo … and think “ne’er the twain shall meet?” Try Hu

This … like many healthy boutique food businesses … prides itself on getting “Back to Human” in that they use NO … refined sugar, cane sugar, sugar alcohols, erythritol, dairy, soy, palm oil, lecithin, or vanilla extract. Instead, the ingredient list for my Cashew Butter Dark Chocolate listed organic everything … from cacao to cashew to coconut sugar.

And … it was interesting to note when reading their “About Us” that one of the partners sought out non-traditional answers for his autoimmune disease. I can’t tell you how many similar stories I’ve heard in my Functional Medicine community.

I use their “Simple Chocolate” in my Fab ‘n Fast Paleo Chocolate Mini Bundt recipe. But gotta love their filled bars like this cashew butter one just for eatin’.

Find these at Sprouts and Whole Foods but you can also order a whole bunch (I did recently) from Thrive Market.


🌟 A Closer Look at Akkermansia muciniphila 🌟

Hey, Gut Foodies! 👋 Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of gut microbes because we've got some exciting news from the latest research! 🦠✨

In a 2022 review published in Clinical Nutrition called "Recent findings in Akkermansia muciniphila-regulated metabolism and its role in intestinal diseases", scientists are shining a spotlight on the superstar of gut bacteria, Akkermansia muciniphila. This remarkable probiotic strain has a preference for the intestinal mucus layer, where it works its magic by breaking down mucins into short-chain fatty acids, providing both energy for us and a cozy home for itself. 🏡💫

But that's not all! A. muciniphila is like the superhero of our gut, contributing to our immune system's development and overall intestinal health. 🦸‍♂️🦠🌿 It's been linked to reducing symptoms of various intestinal diseases like irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases, and scientists are uncovering the secrets behind how this probiotic powerhouse enhances intestinal barrier integrity and regulates our immune responses. 🛡️🌟

So, stay tuned, Gut Foodies, because the future of gut health might just be centered around this tiny but mighty microbe! 💪🤯🦠

My Gut-Take: 

If you read this newsletter a couple of weeks ago … my “Supplement Takes” highlighted this terrific supplement. It’s a personal fave of mine.

But I haven’t read a lot of research about it. And research about it has skyrocketed in the last 3 years to about 800 studies.

And I was happy to learn with this one that Akkermansia “prefers to colonize the intestinal mucus layer”. I don’t know if you remember that keeping the mucus layer is vital because it houses the immune system among other things.

And produces short-chain fatty acids … vital for energy and promoting bacterial growth (good thing!) All I can tell you is that my often-turbulent gut calms right down when I take my daily capsule. So … again … it’s part of my Jill’s Good Gut Elixir plan.

As it’s a more benign probiotic, it colonizes that all-important mucosal layer, and there’s no prebiotic in this particular supplement … which can kick up SIBO or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms.


[From my Fullscript Apothecary] Codeage Fermented Digestive Enzymes offers an all-in-one digestive enzymes solution featuring raw & vegan digestive enzymes paired with probiotics, prebiotics, fermented botanical fruits, and herbs.

The ingredients used in this proprietary blend are known to 1) support healthy digestion, 2) support the natural breakdown of proteins, fats, cabs, and fibers, and 3) have a positive effect on the gut microbiota, which can be associated with overall health.

My Gut-Take: 

I’m always looking for new stuff to share with you. And this supplement truly filled the bill as one that’s full-to-the-brim of good stuff. And the last supplement (I just added this one as an alternative) in my Jill’s Good Gut Elixir plan.

I chose to include it in the plan because leaky guts notoriously lead to poor digestion. And digestive enzymes are important because they break down the food we eat into smaller components that can be absorbed into the blood. Once in the blood, these smaller components … or nutrients … serve as vital building blocks for all structures and processes that keep us alive. 

For a bare-bones solution for those who suffer from GERRRD (reflux disease) I just recommend the Betaine HCL (which I talked about last newsletter) and this … which help you digest food faster, reduces bloat and gas, and keeps food from hanging out in the stomach.

Where it can ferment and cause a host of problems. From ulcers to indigestion. I would, however, caution those with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) or candida overgrowth as the supplement pictured contains prebiotics (to feed the probiotics) and probiotics.

These are contraindicated with these conditions. So just stick to the Klaire Labs one without them also listed in the plan. In other words … either or … just choose the one you feel will suit you best.


🌟 Unmasking the Gut Connection: It's All About Your Gut! 🌟

Hey there, Gut Enthusiasts! 🌿🦠 Are you tired of playing detective with your health issues, trying to figure out what's causing your discomfort? Well, guess what? I've got some jaw-dropping insights that'll make you rethink everything! 🕵️‍♀️💡

Let's start with a profound truth: The key to solving most of your health mysteries lies right in your gut. That's right, the gut is where it all begins! 💥🦠 From salicylate sensitivity to neurological disorders, it's astonishing how much of what ails you can be traced back to the gut's doorstep. Think of it as the epicenter of your well-being, the captain of your health ship! 🚢🌍

Recent research even suggests a startling connection between leaky gut and the severity of COVID-19! 😷🦠 Yes, you heard that right! Your gut health might just play a pivotal role in your resilience against the virus. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Dive into my latest blog post to unravel the astonishing links between gut health and issues like metabolic disorders, neurological conditions, and more. It's time to decode the secrets your gut has been holding all along! 🔍🔐🤯



This script is the very next step on the mindfulness journey. It guides you through a mindful breathing exercise where you count your breaths in and out … and even practice holding your breath too.

So I encourage you to find a comfortable seated position in a quiet area and focus on the natural rhythm of your breath. Then notice the sensations of each inhale and exhale, the temperature of the air, and the movement of your belly.

The practice includes acknowledging distractions and thoughts without judgment, visualizing them as leaves floating away on a stream, and returning focus to your breath. So let’s go …

Settle into a serene space, choosing a chair that supports your posture, with your feet grounded 🌳 and hands resting gently. Allow your eyelids to droop, shielding you from the external world 🌐, as you prepare to journey inward 🧘‍♂️.

🌬️ Notice your breath inward and outward again through your nose 👃, not judging 🚫⚖️, not forcing, just noticing. Observe what the breath does to the body... rising 📈 and falling 📉... feeling the difference in temperature 🌡️ as it goes in and out of your nose.

Now try this ... inhale deeply, a silent count to four, filling your being with calm 😌. Exhale slowly, a silent count to four, releasing all that does not serve you. Continue 3 or 4 times. 🍃

Now, let's explore the 4-7-8 technique, a patterned breathing that cultivates tranquility and focus 🌬️.

ONE - Exhale - Begin with a complete breath out, a gentle whoosh escaping your lips 💨, clearing the way for renewal.
TWO - Inhale - Seal your lips and draw in a quiet, nurturing breath through your nose 👃, counting to four, feeling the rise of possibility.
THREE - Hold - With your lungs full, pause and hold this breath, counting to seven, as you bask in the stillness of the moment ⏳.
FOUR - Exhale - Part your lips and let the breath cascade out to a count of eight, a whoosh carrying away tension and doubt 🌬️.

This cycle, your breath's ebb and flow, is your anchor in the now ⚓. Inhale again, and let the cycle repeat, three more times, a quartet of breaths composing a symphony of peace 🎶.

As you continue, each breath is a step on a path to inner stillness 🛤️. The world around you fades, its sounds and distractions mere backdrops to your breath's gentle tide 🌊.

Should thoughts arise, acknowledge them as curious spectators of your mind's theater 🎭. See them take a seat on a leaf 🍁, drifting effortlessly down the stream of your consciousness, exiting the scene with grace.

Return then, to the rhythm of your breath, this life-affirming process that flows through you, four counts in, and four counts out, a balanced dance of being 💃🕺.

When you feel ready, let your breath return to its natural cadence. Flutter your eyes open 👀, embrace the colors and shapes of the world 🌈, and carry this sense of grounded presence with you, as you step into the currents of your day 🚶‍♀️🚶.

A Mindfulness Minute:

✨ Occasionally, I stumble upon a fabulous snippet of mindfulness 🧘‍♀️ that I'm eager to share with you. Because... in reality... mindfulness is meant to be woven into every moment, everywhere 🌍, at any time ⏰.

And this gem 💎 you can practice at work 🏢, amidst the chaos of kids screaming 👶🔊... any time you're swamped by the waves 🌊 of overwhelm. Dive in!

Actually... S.T.O.P 🛑... STOP what you're doing. TAKE a deep breath 🌬️. OBSERVE your thoughts and emotions 🧐. PROCEED with renewed clarity 🚦.


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