
Hallooo Gutsy 

Here's the next newsletter ... including some kick-ass info about healing foods, healing supplements,. research on healing supplements ... and a mind-blowing mindfulness script to literally take your breath away! 


Dinner anyone? I’ve been getting organic meat for years. And was so lucky … during the pandemic when they closed to new subscribers due to overwhelming response … that I got fresh meat.

They deliver frozen it right to your door! And … after a couple of years of getting whatever they’d send (I’ve never had any luck with sirloin caps) … I’m choosing my own! I DO get ribs with every box ... and make them with my foolproof FABULOUS recipe, Mindfully Mouthwatering Paleo Ribs.


You can also choose when the box will arrive so that it doesn’t put a huge dent in your pocketbook or freezer. And choice DOES cost a little more.

But it works out to about $10 a pound … which is cheaper than getting these cuts in a store. Oh … and I also LOVE their Gluten Free organic chicken nuggets!

So give them a try! is a big boon to my busy life!


🧠🌱 Ever wonder why your stomach churns when you're anxious? That's the gut-brain axis at work, a superhighway of messages between your gut and your noggin. Scientists are tuning into this chatter and they've found some interesting gossip: the tiny bugs living in our guts might affect our moods!

🔍 In Pakistan, researchers are like detectives 🕵️‍♂️, uncovering clues that show people with depression often have a different mix of these gut bugs. It's like everyone's gut has a unique 'fingerprint' 🖐️, and in folks who are down, this fingerprint can look a bit off. This is a big deal because it could lead to new ways to cheer people up, using more than just a chat on the couch—it could be as simple as checking their gut fingerprint!

💡💊 The coolest part? Certain medicines for the brain, called SSRIs, might work better when the gut bugs are balanced—like a perfect party in your belly. And the future? It might just be in crafting specially-blended probiotic supplements or foods to get the gut party started, helping to turn frowns upside down. So, remember, that "gut feeling" is more than a hunch—it's the future of feeling good! 🎉👩‍🔬

My Gut-Take: 

This article from the journal, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience entitled  “The role of gut microbiota in depression: an analysis of the gut-brain axis” … is kind of groundbreaking. Groundbreaking because … just like the doctor in my cancer clinic who used Glutamine in a research study … it looks at supplements as a way to solve a medical problem.

And concludes by saying that … “There have been a number of studies that point to the encouraging implications of optimizing depression treatment by customizing the gut microbiota”. And also states “Studies have shown that there is a unique pattern of bacteria in the stool that can help confirm a clinical diagnosis of depression”. 

Using an analysis of the stool microbiota (bacteria, etc.) to determine a depression diagnosis? Groundbreaking? Absolutely. Functional and traditional medicine meet right here in this study!


I was also impressed by the final recommendation …”More research into the effects of lactose-free diets, healthy diets, the role of fungi and viruses in the gut-brain axis, and the evidence-based application of stool signatures in the diagnosis of depression would be very welcome.”

So they’re advocating researching DIETS to treat DEPRESSION. And analyzing stool … which we do in many Functional Medicine tests … to DIAGNOSE DEPRESSION! Groundbreaking!


[From the website] Atrantil is the only natural, clinically proven product to treat digestive issues where they start in the small bowel(AKA the gut).

Developed by a Gastroenterologist, Atrantil gets rid of problem gas-producing bacteria that cause bloating and abdominal discomfort with or without constipation or diarrhea.

This patented blend of Polyphenols also works as a postbiotic to feed good bacteria and support overall digestive health.

My Gut-Take: 

Atrantil stopped my bloating cold! Yes … you’re hearing right.

I take one of these … usually with a digestive enzyme with every meal … and bloating goes away. Perhaps it’s the unique blend of polyphenols. And … after I finish the regular … I’m goin’ for the PRO … which also has probiotics.

If it works better I’ll revisit it for you here. But for now Atrantil is one of my fave supplements.

It’s not in my Good Gut Elixir protocol but it’s yet another supplement to try if you have that uncomfortable gas and bloating. And you can get both on my Fullscript apothecary.


🤠🥩 Get ready to fire up the grill and bring the bold flavors of Texas Roadhouse to your own backyard with this sizzling steak and chicken rub! This isn't just any recipe; it's a copycat of a copycat, snatched from the cozy corners of and given a Paleo twist that'll make your taste buds two-step with joy.

🧂 I've sprinkled in a dash of my all-time favorite - Colima sea salt, harvested from the beautiful coasts of Mexico. It's not just salt; it's a whisper of the ocean, a mineral-rich treasure that transforms every grain into a flavor-packed crystal.

🌿 And let's not forget the golden touch of turmeric - that vibrant, healing spice that not only adds a warm, peppery essence but also a host of health benefits. It's like a sprinkle of sunshine, turning your meal into a plate of gold.

🍗 Whether you're massaging this rub into a thick, juicy steak or coating your chicken to perfection, you're in for a treat. The blend of spices will sear in the juices and create a crust that's simply divine. So, tie on your apron, and let's get rubbing! Your Paleo-friendly feast awaits, and it's sure to be a hit that'll have everyone begging for your secret recipe. 🤫👨‍🍳✨



This script is the very next step on the mindfulness journey. It begins to connect you mindfully with your senses … particularly smell here … which seems to be the most vivid sense for many. Evoking the senses harnesses them as powerful tools for healing.

When I worked as an actress, my senses were my friends. They connected me with my emotions and began to … even without my conscious knowledge … heal my relationship with them. And then allowed me to select emotional responses as I saw fit.

So I encourage you to find a comfortable seated position in a quiet area and focus on the natural rhythm of your breath. Then notice the sensations arising from your body. Then a focus on smell … the easiest sense to encounter this way.

Don’t forget to acknowledge distractions and thoughts without judgment …visualizing them as leaves floating away on a stream … and then returning your focus to your breath and the smells around you. So let’s begin …

Smell Your Way to Mindfulness:

Find your grounding in a cozy seat, feet planted gently on the ground, hands resting softly on your thighs. Sit tall, yet relaxed, alert but at ease. 🪑

Pause... and let your awareness drift to the sensations within. Feel the solid floor beneath your feet, the touch of your hands on your legs, the support of the chair cradling you. Notice the subtle embrace of your clothes, whether they hug tightly or drape loosely over your form. 🧥👖

Now, let your attention bloom to the sensations on your skin. Is there a whisper of coolness, or a wave of warmth? Observe the dance of your breath, the rise and fall of your chest or belly, the cool inhale, the warmer exhale. 🌬️

Embrace any sensations that surface, a symphony of the physical self—coolness, warmth, tingling, ease. Take this moment to journey through your body, from the crown of your head down to the tips of your toes, moving any part that calls for motion. 🧘

Shift focus to the scents that swirl around you. As your mind quiets and your body steadies, your senses sharpen, illuminating the world anew. Inhale the myriad of aromas, from the zest of cooking to the earthiness of the ground, from the sweetness of a flower to the unique scent of a pet. 🌸🍳🌍

Linger here, in this sensory exploration, as long as you wish. Breathe in peace, breathe out tension, and when you're ready, gently open your eyes, reacquaint yourself with your surroundings, and carry this renewed presence into the rest of your day. 🌟


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