
Hallooo Gutsy 

Here's the next newsletter ... including some kick-ass info about healing foods, healing supplements, research on the how your gut actually affects your sleep  ... and a mind-blowing mindfulness script to literally take your breath away! 


Almond flour is the backbone of most of my Paleo dishes … especially the goodies. So much that I ran out two days from Thanksgiving to get more for my Thanksgiving meal including Paleo Pumpkin Pie and Paleo Cornbread and Sausage Stuffing.

Almond flour is simply ground … super-fine ground mostly … skinned almonds. It’s perfect for Paleo cooking and baking as it’s low in carbs, packed with nutrients like Vitamin E (really hard to get in food) and Magnesium, and has a slightly sweeter taste.

And oat bran BEGONE! Almond flour has many health benefits, including reducing “low-down-lousy” BAAD LDL cholesterol and insulin resistance … which reduces Metabolic Syndrome risk …a problem facing 30% of the global population.

I also use the meal … which is ground almonds with the shells on … in my Fab ‘n Fast Paleo Hot Cereal. It’s a staple around my house during these chilly (50 degrees F is chilly in L.A.) winter mornings.

This brand … the 365 house brand … is available at Whole Foods and on Amazon. But there are many others … Bob’s Red Mill is also popular. You can get almond flour … and meal … at and Sprouts … and I even picked some up at my local grocery too. That’s how popular almond flour is these days!


Have you ever wondered if the tiny microbes in your gut could affect how you sleep? 🤔💤 This fascinating study 2023 study from the journal Clocks & Sleep, titled "Causal Effects of Gut Microbiota on Sleep-Related Phenotypes", dives into this intriguing idea. Researchers used data from large genetic studies to explore if there's a direct link between the composition of our gut microbiota and our sleep patterns. 🧬🔍

The findings are eye-opening! It turns out that certain types of gut bacteria can influence whether you're a night owl or an early bird, how long you sleep, and even issues like snoring and insomnia. 🦉🌞 For example, some bacteria were linked to people having a harder time waking up in the morning, while others were associated with staying up late. They also discovered that different bacteria could make you more likely to snore or struggle with sleepless nights. 😴🚫

What's really cool is that this study doesn't just suggest a connection; it shows that these tiny gut inhabitants might actually cause these sleep changes. This opens up exciting possibilities for new ways to improve our sleep through gut health. Imagine tweaking your diet or taking specific probiotics to get better sleep! 🥦💊 So next time you're counting sheep, remember your gut microbes might be playing a part in your night's rest. 🐑🌌

My Gut-Take: 

Truth be told I’m a LOUSY SLEEPER. I have been since I was a small child.

Could have been that I was sick for the first two years of my life. And almost drowned after that … which might have kept me vigilant.

Or that I’ve been seeing things since I was four … and have worked as an Intuitive (I hate the word “psychic” … and actually prefer “sensitive”) my whole adult life. But … for whatever reason … sleeping has always been a problem.

So … supplement nut me … I was so surprised that different strains of probiotic bacteria can influence your sleep. And that they’ve actually isolated the particular strain that influences sleep duration, snoring and insomnia.

So maybe I should hunt down some Lachnospiraceae UCG004 or Odoribacter … the two most associated with longer sleep. Because lack of sleep can lead to the increased risk of developing various health conditions, such as cancer, type II diabetes , and Alzheimer’s disease.

The problem is these isolated bacteria may not be able to be put into a pill … or survive the trip through the stomach and its accompanying acid … into the small intestine where they can be metabolized correctly.

But one can only hope! Can’t find a supplement yet but stay tuned …


[From my Fullscript apothecary] Multivitamin/mineral formula for optimal health. *Packed with nutrients and minerals to support a healthy lifestyle. *A gentle formula that is well tolerated by sensitive individuals.* Made with hypoallergenic, vegetarian ingredients

Nutrient 950 is a complete hypoallergenic multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement. Our multivitamin is complete with activated vitamins and chelated minerals to promote optimal absorption.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

This is my go-to multi for at least 30 years … back when I started learning about supplements. Pure Encapsulations is a company with long-standing integrity that produces quality supplements.

And I like the fact that you can get this with NAC (my choice) …  a powerful antioxidant and promoter of Glutathione … one of our body’s master regulators … as well as a substance that mops up heavy metals. It’s also available with Vitamin K , with or without iron, and without copper … which is problematic in some individuals.

Here’s the downside for those who a brainwashed to think that “one-a-day will keep the doctor away”. You have to take 3 to 6 capsules a day.

And here’s why … chelated minerals are BIG MOLECULES as the mineral is attached to an amino acid which is a BIG MOLECULE. The good news … they work!

As those “one-a-days” have inorganic minerals … which the body can’t use. Why then are they promoted by doctors? Because doctors know nothing about supplements … ‘NUF SAID!

Not only that … this and other quality multis have 5-MTHF … 5-Methytetrahydrofolate (a mouthful huh?) … the active form of folate.ONE-THIRD OF US lack the enzyme to turn other forms of folate active. So what good are they?

So quality multis have this … and other highly absorbable forms of other nutrients. They make be more expensive than those “one-a-days”. But you’re getting a lot more bang for your buck!

It’s not in my Good Gut Elixir protocol but it’s yet another supplement to try if you want a general “Health Starter” package. Along with Mega EPA/DHA fish oil and Premier Greens Caps. And you can get this powerful trio on my Fullscript apothecary.

And … by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


This Paleo Pumpkin Pie is a game-changer for dessert lovers! With a crust that rivals traditional wheat versions, it's a must-try for your festive feasts. 🍁

For the Crust:
Mix 1 ¼ cups almond flour, ½ cup cassava flour (Otto's brand recommended), and ¼ tsp sea salt. Blend in 5 tbsp cold butter or organic palm shortening with your fingers until crumbly. Add 1 beaten egg and 2 tbsp cold water, kneading into a dough. Chill for an hour. 🍞

Roll out the dough and fit it into a 9-inch pie pan, pre-cooking for 15 minutes at 350°F. 🌡️

For the Filling:
Whisk together 15 oz organic pumpkin puree, ½ cup coconut milk, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice, ½ cup maple syrup, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and ¼ tsp sea salt. Pour into the crust and bake for 50-60 minutes. 🥄

Let the pie cool, then refrigerate for 2 hours. Enjoy this flaky, tasty, and not-too-sweet Paleo delight! 🌟

Pro Tip: Make it a day ahead and keep chilled. For the crust, Otto's cassava flour is the secret to perfection! 🌿👩‍🍳

Indulge in this healthier, yet utterly delicious yet Paleo version of the classic pumpkin pie. Perfect for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any festive occasion! 🍂🎉

Want to print out the whole easy-to-follow recipe? Click below. I LOVE pumpkin pie as an adjunct to ALL my holiday meals and celebrations. On to Christmas … I’m up for it!



This script is the very next step on the mindfulness journey. It begins to connect you mindfully with your senses … particularly touch here … Evoking the senses harnesses them as powerful tools for healing.

When I worked as an actress, my senses were my friends. They connected me with my emotions and began to … even without my conscious knowledge … heal my relationship with them. And then allowed me to select emotional responses as I saw fit.

So I encourage you to find a comfortable seated position in a quiet area and focus on the natural rhythm of your breath. Then notice the sensations arising from your body. Then focus on sound.

Don’t forget to acknowledge distractions and thoughts without judgment …visualizing them as leaves floating away on a stream … and then returning your focus to your breath and things that you touch and that touch you. So let’s begin …

Journey Through the Sense of Touch:

Find a comfortable position in a chair, feet flat on the ground, hands resting gently on your thighs. Close your eyes and notice your breath. No need to alter it, just observe the inhale, exhale, and the pause in between. 🌬️

Now, breathe in slowly for a count of four... hold for seven... then exhale for eight. This is the ultimate relaxation breath. If it feels too much, simply breathe in and out for four counts each. Do this two or three times, then let your breathing return to normal. 🧘‍♂️

As you breathe, acknowledge any distractions or thoughts, visualizing them as leaves drifting away on a stream, and gently return your focus to your breath and the sensations of touch. 🍂

Bring your attention to the feel of your clothing against your skin. Notice the texture, warmth, and comfort it provides. Be aware of any areas where it feels tight or rubs against your skin. 👕👖

Shift your focus to how your body feels sitting in the chair, and your feet as they rest on the floor. Feel the sensation in your footwear, socks, or the texture of the floor if you're barefoot. Notice the pressure between your feet and the floor, and your body against the chair. 👟🪑

Explore the chair you're sitting on - its fabric, stiffness, and temperature. If there are objects nearby, pick them up to feel their texture, temperature, and how they feel in your hand. 🖐️🔍

Continue this exploration as long as you wish. Then, take a moment to notice how your body feels now compared to a few minutes ago. What has changed? 🤔

Now, delve into how these physical sensations intertwine with your emotions. The firmness of the chair might evoke a sense of stability, while the softness of your socks could bring comfort. Allow yourself to fully experience these emotions, whether they bring calm, security, or even restlessness. Notice if the objects you touch evoke specific feelings or memories, like the calmness from a smooth stone or warmth from a cup in your hands. 💭🤲

As you end ... reflect on any of these emotional shifts you've experienced. Embrace the newfound sense of calm or awareness of your emotional landscape. 🌿✨

Bring your hands together in a gentle clap, anchoring you back to the present. Rise slowly, carrying with you a renewed sense of connection to your physical and emotional world. Step forward into your day with a refreshed perspective. 🌈


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