
ZZZZ Gut Foodies! 😊👋

I'd like to share a personal secret with you... all my life sleeping has ALWAYS been a challenge! 😴🌙 I remember always "playing possum" when my dad leaned over to kiss me goodnight (HE ONLY DID IT WHEN I WAS ASLEEP so I wanted to FEEL it). 💤💕

And reading under the covers with a flashlight when I was older. 📚🔦 Cut to... today... when those counting-sheep guys sometimes seem to elude me. 🐑🛌 That's why this issue is ALLL about SLEEP! 🌟🌜

And I'm probably not alone because 75% of us suffer from insomnia! 😳🌃 Lots of reasons including stress, anxiety, and being a woman (70%... probably due to our "superwoman" bring-home-the-bacon... fry-it-up-in-a-pan personas). 🦸‍♀️🍳

So here's some actual sleep chocolate, sleep-and-gut research, sleep supplement, sleep toddy, and even sleep mindfulness stuff... EAT... uh... SNORE IT UP! 😴🍫📚🌛


Chocoholics rejoice! New research says eating chocolate can actually help you sleep better! Only one catch though ... it has to be DARK chocolate. 

Magnesium, a nutrient found in dark chocolate, helps cells keep track of the natural cycles of day and night. And it actually relaxes you too!

But the supplement industry has gone one better and come out with these new "functional foods" (nutrient-added edibles). Like the one illustrated ... Dream.

It touts lots of sleep nutrients like melatonin, l-theanine, GABA, ashwagandha, and sort forth. I haven' tried it yet and I know ... from years of doing supplement formulations for companies ... that they sometimes taste like what's in them! And have a supplement price to boot ($20 for 15 pieces).

Me ... I'm stickin' with the real thing ... 85% cacao and above! Here's one example from Thrive Market.


🌙🔍 Alright ...let's break down this brainy sleep study into bite-sized, easy-to-digest info! 🧠📚Picture this ... millions of people ... like a whopping 40 million in the US alone, struggle with sleep disorders. 

We're talking about everything from sleep apnea to insomnia ... and even restless legs syndrome. These sleep issues aren't just a nuisance; they're linked to serious stuff like heart disease and strokes. 😴💔 Even kids aren't spared ... with 25%-40% having some sleep troubles ... affecting their health, behavior, and even family life. 🛌👶

Now, here's where it gets interesting: our gut, yes, the place where our food hangs out, might be the secret conductor of this sleep orchestra. 🦠🎼 Studies show that our gut buddies, the microbiota, might be influencing our sleep patterns. Think of them like little DJs mixing the tunes of our sleep rhythms. 🎧🌌

But wait, there's more! When our gut is out of whack, it can lead to inflammation and a messed-up sleep cycle. And guess what? This can even affect our brain and mental health. 🧠🌀 It's like a domino effect, starting from our gut and toppling over into our sleep and overall well-being.

So, what's the big takeaway? Keeping our gut happy could be key to better sleep and a healthier life. It's all about that gut-sleep harmony! 🌟🥗

My Gut-Take: 

Well ... if you've read ANY of my "Research Deets" commentary ... you know that I love review research (75 studies ciited in this one). Because they disprove doctors' long-chanted mantra ... "We just don't have enough research"!

Actually ... the conclusion of this one DOES call for more research. But so does every study I've ever read. It seems to be an oft-chanted get-out-of-jail-free-card for researchers!

They're just being cautious! So IT JUST BURNS ME when the media jump on one study as the panacea for medical change. It happens often!

Research should be ... to me ... a) ethical (it's not always as the study is often biased as 1] the funding often comes from a company that has a vested interest in a positive outcome and 2] the researchers are affiliated with same).

b) It should also be well-designed (they're sometimes not) and c) reproducible (you need to have a similar result for the same study design hopefully many times). So it's not surprising that researchers want to get out of jail free.

But the media will have none of that. They hear something ... and tout it as the second coming! I've seen it explode (Phen-Fen) and then fizzle (Ozempic ... we're STILL looking for a magic weight loss pill [uh ... shot] for a very complex problem ... will this one go limp too?)

Sorry for my rant ... but something you should know. On to the study ..."Relationship between sleep disorders and gut dysbiosis: what affects what?". I didn't know when I started the journey to find sleep-and-gut research that insomnia (and other sleep problems as diverse as apnea and restless legs) affects SO MANY PEOPLE!

But I'm not surprised as so many of us suffer from leaky gut (virtually all) and inflammation (statistics say 3 out of 5 worldwide but that's just the ones we know). And that ... since I believe in the concept that one part of the body out-of-whack affects all others ... inflammation and a messed-up gut can also lead to messed-up sleep.

And the review did conclude ... "Sleep is a physiological state that is basically linked to the immune system and the gut microbiota composition, exerting a systemic action through metabolic mediators, seems to be associated with sleep regulation. The most studies illustrated in this review agree that an alteration of the intestinal bacterial composition, with an increase of F/B ratio and a disruption of intestinal barrier is associated with sleep disturbances."



[From my Fullscript apothecary]

Ashwagandha has been used for centuries for stress and energy. It keeps you going on busy days and relaxes you during nights of occasional sleeplessness. *

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

Truth be told ... I don't know much about herbs. But ... since I began doing acupuncture ... I've learned a lot! Because I have to drink these foul-tasting (and smelling!) teas twice a day. Lots of stevia drops ...

But ... since we're talking about sleep ... ashwagandha may help people fall asleep faster, spend more time asleep, and experience better sleep quality. After taking ashwagandha for six weeks, participants in one study described their sleep as being 72% better, on average. 

This very ancient herb has been also known to reduce anxiety and stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men ... and even boost brain function. Something to research and explore next ... and an ingredient in my Fab 'n Fast Paleo Sleepy-Bye Milk.

You can get this supplement in my BRAND-NEW (created just for you 75%) "Jill's Sleepy-By Supplements" protocol. I've included that ... some tart cherry capsules (but you can also use the juice), a tincture, and/or a sleep supplement that I like (Americans like pills ... not tinctures).

Get any or all of the them … and many others … at my Fullscript apothecary

Oh… by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


🌙✨ Confession time, Gut Foodies! I'm not the biggest tea enthusiast ... especially with those hard-to-pronounce ... pungent teas from my acupuncturist. But hey ... I've whipped up something special for you ... my Fab 'n Fast Paleo Sleepy-Bye Milk! 🥛💤

🌹😴This dreamy concoction is inspired by Amanda from HeartBeet Kitchen, with my own sleepy twist. I have ... however ... modified hers with my Jill's Sleepy-Bye Supplements protocol in my Fullscript apothecary. It's in honor of the 75% (mostly women) of Americans that don't sleep well. And the fact that I don't sleep well either.🍒🌿

🌹😴Imagine sipping on a blend of tart cherry (hello, natural melatonin and tryptophan!) and soothing ashwagandha ... known for its sleep-enhancing superpowers. 🍒🌿 Studies even show a 72% improvement in sleep quality with it! 

But wait, there's more! Those pretty rose petals aren't just for show ... they're like nature's anti-anxiety aid, helping you drift into a serene slumber. 🌹😴So, while you enjoy your chamomile or lavender teas, I'll be over here savoring my delicious, pink, Paleo sleep potion. Cheers to sweet dreams and restful nights! 🌸🥂



Have trouble sleeping? I've got a gift for you to unwrap here ... 

My Micro-Mindful deep sleep relaxation! If you're one of those 75% ... try this at night. Now that I've written it ... as I AM ... I'm going to try it too (will keep you posted) ...

You have to do this one in bed. Switch it on wherever you record songs ... snuggle under the covers ... and in a few short minutes ... you'll be in dreamland!

I'm posting the audios on my website! So download this one (#8) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …

🌜💆‍♀️ A Soothing Snoozefest Journey to Restful Sleep🛌🌠

🌙✨ Begin by lying on your back or whatever position you sleep in ... in your comfy bed ... hands resting gently on your thighs or at your sides. Feel free to shift into any position that cradles you in comfort ... letting the bed support you fully. 🛌💤

As you settle in, let your mind gently scan your body ... noticing any pockets of tension. This sleep relaxation journey is about unwinding your body and soothing your mind into a peaceful slumber. 🧘‍♀️🌌

Inhale deeply ... filling your lungs with a calming breeze ... and exhale slowly, like a gentle wave washing away tension. 🌊🍃

Your mind might wander to today's moments or tomorrow's tasks. Maybe there are worries or uncertainties. Now is the time to let those thoughts float away on a cloud ... making room for serene, restful sleep. 🌬️☁️

Give yourself permission for a brief moment of contemplation. Think, worry, or plan for the next two minutes if you must. Then, let these thoughts dissolve into the night, leaving your mind clear, ready for tranquil dreams. 🌟🌜

Notice the areas in your body holding onto the day's stress. Zoom in on one small area of tension. Breathe in deeply ... and as you exhale ...  imagine that tension evaporating into the night air. Continue in this way with other areas if you'd like until you are gently ... profoundly relaxed. 🌬🍂

Now, find the part of your body that feels the most relaxed. Imagine this relaxation as a warm, glowing light that expands with each breath, spreading comfort throughout your body. 🌟🛌

You now find your attention becoming soft and unfocused ... heavy with sleepiness and calm. If you wish, start counting slowly from one to ten, sinking deeper into relaxation with each number. Let each number be a step down into a deeper level of tranquility. 🧮🌙

1… focusing on relaxation… 2… sinking deeper into the bed… 3… letting go of all tension… 4… feeling a wave of relaxation… 5… drifting towards sleep… 6… deeply relaxed… 7… calm and serene… 8… feeling heavy and peaceful… 9… mind floating freely… 10… fully relaxed.

Now, gently reverse your count from 10 back to 1. With each descending number, feel yourself drifting closer to deep, restorative sleep. Start now, and let my voice become a distant lullaby as you count back … 🎶🌙

Imagine each number as a step deeper into a world of dreams ... where peace and comfort embrace you. Let this journey of numbers guide you into a night of deep, healing sleep. 🌌💫

Sleep now ... embraced by the night, in a sanctuary of dreams. Let sleep envelop you ... carrying you to a place of tranquility and rest. Goodnight ... sleep tight. 🌛💤



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