
🌟 OHHH Gut Foodies! 🌟

My articles on salicylate sensitivity are THE TOP-VISITED on my website. And one is ALWAYS on the first page in Google! And #12 in Bing. 📈🌐

So I decided to devote this issue ENTIRELY to salicylate sensitivity such as it is! I say "such as it is" as it's one of those "hype" "diagnoses". 🤔💡

Because there are over 100,000 references to it on the search engines. And only 580 studies of all kinds done on it in 80-plus years (obviously the research community doesn't think salicylate sensitivity important enough to consider it). 📚🔬

But the public ... OH ... they're totally sure they have it! I must get calls and emails daily from people inquiring about it. My take ... yes ... salicylate sensitivity is a real thing. But I think that it has a deeper cause ... 💭💡

And that cause is leaky gut! Because leaky gut causes food and chemical sensitivities. And this is just one of many ... 🍞🤯

So you decide ... is it worth just treating salicylate sensitivity symptoms or healing the whole gut instead? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

To that end I've included MY LOW SALICYLATE DIET for you to try. As well as the first-page-ranked blog. And some research (yes ... there are some studies that link a low salicylate diet and gut issues ... this one's about IBS ... a gut-related problem). 🥗🧪

As for the Micro-Mindfuls ... I'm going "Back to Basics" with breathing and sensory scripts and audios so you can begin at the beginning. I didn't record them when I began ... so if you'd like to begin ... or restart your practice these are golden! So on to ... 🧘‍♀️🎧🌟


Hey ... here's my oft-grabbed diet for salicylate sensitivity ... The Low Salicylate Diet. In it I give you all these cute little diagrams for each kind of food ... as well as one for where salicylates hide in products we use every day.

And you get a sample menu too to get started right. I make it super easy for you ... separating low and medium salicylate foods from the high ones so you can easily pick-and-choose foods for your own meal plan.

Here's the link for this Ebook ... and my advice to you about this ... give it a whirl and see if you feel better. If not ... push the "BOOK NOW" button below.


🌿🔬This article, "Naturally‐occurring dietary salicylates in the genesis of functional gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: Pilot study"🤔💡

explored the idea that naturally-occurring salicylates in food affect Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms. 

🍽️🦠 Participants with IBS tried low and high-salicylate diets for two weeks. Results? Mostly, no big symptom changes. But, two people reacted differently to high-salicylate foods. 

🌶️🚫One person, sensitive to aspirin, felt worse with more salicylates. Another improved on a low-salicylate diet.

In conclusion, these results have provided some evidence that food‐related salicylates may influence the genesis and/or severity of functional gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with IBS. This suggests some with IBS might react to food salicylates, but it's not common. More research needed to confirm! 🧐📊🥦🍇

My Gut-Take: 

What can I say ... THE RESULTS ARE MIXED! Even with using already-compromised IBS patients ... the ones that usually contact me with their maladies.

What is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? It's a blanket DIAGNOSIS (I really HATE that word!) for a series of digestive symptoms that doctors really know nothing about how to treat. Because the have-a-symptom-take-a-pill model just doesn't work here ... it's like playing Whack-a-Mole!

Because ... short of some gut anomalies ... which are rare ... the REAL cause is leaky gut. Something that CAN'T be cured with a pill. You have to drive past that fast food restaurant and change your lifestyle instead. HORRORS!

I DO like that they're exploring diet change for a problem. But this is a poorly-designed study ... 10 participants over 2 weeks? Sorry ... but diet change sometimes takes much longer for people to feel better. And this isn't a large enough population to figure out ANYTHING!

So ... when you look at studies ... you have to look at all of this. And the fact that IBS is probably an autoimmune disorder ... which kicks it into a whole new level of malady. In other words, there are many other things that could be influencing this ... which makes a definitive outcome difficult.

FYI ... for those who like to read research these are crucial things to consider. Which begs the question ... why did I choose this?

Well ... as I said in the intro ... slim pickins' on the actual research. And this one was about the gut. And it was inconclusive. So ... I ask you ...  what PROOF is there out there that this is a real thing? I don't know!

But are we going to eventually put salicylate sensitivity into the same trashheap with food combining and protein complementing? Obviously not yet!



[From my Fullscript apothecary]

Mucolytic Formula with Biofilm Disruptors*
BiofilmX combines multiple fibrinolytic & mucolytic enzymes to help breakdown biofilms.*

Serrapeptase reduces the inhibitory effects of bacterial biofilms, enhance anti-microbial activity, and helps promote healthy inflammatory responses.*

Enzymes help breakdown the integrity of biofilms and their adhesion to target tissues.*

Alpha lipoic acid disrupts biofilm formation and provides antioxidant protection to the host.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

You're probably thinking ... as it's a "What's the H- Week" ... what the H- are biofilms? Well ... I never questioned the intelligence of these tiny bacteria after I found out about them.

Because these little buggers actually build shelters around themselves to keep our killer supplements away from them. These shelters are called BIOFILMS.

When I first learned about biofilms I pictured them as the angry birds hiding behind those structures and the supplements as the projectiles flung by those slings. Because that's what the biofilm busters do ... destroy the structures bad bacteria have built around them so that anti-bacterials can destroy them.

I always include a biofilm buster and a binder with any of my protocols where I'm attacking and hopefully killing bad beasties. The biofilm buster finds the beasties, the anti-everything destroys them, and the binder mops them up.

This powerful supplement is part of my  Smash Salicylate Sensitivity Now! supplement protocol. Get any or all of the them … and many others … at my Fullscript apothecary

Oh… by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


🌟🍒 What the H- is Salicylate Sensitivity? 🤔🌿 Dive into the often-missed world of salicylate sensitivity! I discovered it with a client who .... by changing her diet and taking supplements ... not only lost 40 pounds but became a nutritionist! 🥗💪 

Another story? A 64-year-old self-diagnosed and turned her life around by tweaking her diet. 🔄🍏 But that rarely happens ... read on ...

Salicylates, found in plants, are in many foods. They're great for most but can trigger inflammation in sensitive folks. (the operative word is "sensitive") 😬🔥 The key? Cutting down on high-salicylate foods. 🍓🌶️ 

Treating it starts with diet and supplements. My client's success story? A year of diet changes and supplements led to a total health transformation. 🎓💚 Suspect sensitivity? Try my FREE program in the Gut-Tip above     ; it's a potential game-changer! 🎟️🌟 Need more help? Reach out, let's heal together! 📞🤝



We're going back to Basics! I realized that I haven't really given you the basics audio-wise to begin a really solid mindfulness practice. 

So we're starting AGAIN! This "Basics One" is the cornerstone of the whole practice ... how to deep-breathe. Then we'll delve into the sensory aspects of mindfulness ... which is the structure on which to hang other tools like guided imagery.

You'll find these in the "Back To Basics" section of "My Micro-Mindfuls" here! I'm designing these to use anywhere you feel stressed ... even if you're standing in a long checkout line or when you feel overwhelmed at work.

So download this one (BASICS ONE) on your phone or other device so that you can use it whenever and wherever you’d like. I created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and also guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create your very own playlist. So let’s begin …

🌸🌬️ Embrace Calm with Every Breath 🕊️💫

🌬️🌸 In the middle of life's whirlwinds ... whether in a bustling place or nestled in the serene embrace of your home ... begin by drawing in the essence of life through long, slow, deep breaths. Inhale with intention ... feeling the air's journey through your nostrils ... descending gracefully into your lungs ... causing your belly to bloom like a flower in spring.

 🌷💨 Exhale with equal grace ... sensing the gentle retreat of air ... ascending from the depths of your lungs ... exiting like a soft whisper through your mouth or nose. As each breath flows ... let your attention dance with it ... unburdened ...

🍃🌊 Should your thoughts drift to distant shores of tomorrow's worries or today's reflections ... observe them as you would a delicate leaf caught in a gently bubbling stream ... here for a moment ... then gracefully floating away on the foam.

🌈🌬️ Return to the rhythm of your breath, each inhalation a wave of life rising ... each exhalation a tender release. Embrace the ebb and flow of your breath, a harmonious ballet of inhales and exhales ... rising and falling ... 

🌟💭 If distractions may arise ... be they physical whispers of discomfort or emotional echoes of joy or sorrow ... acknowledge these visitors without judgment ... without clinging to them or pushing them away. Simply let them be ... like clouds in a vast sky ... and guide your spirit back to the sanctuary of your breath.

🌿🌙 Breathe in tranquility ... breathe out distraction. Follow the breath's journey ... a path of inner peace. If your mind wanders ... greet this wandering with kindness ... and gently ... bring your awareness back to the breath.

🕊️🌼 Continue this dance with your breath for as long as your heart desires ... until a transformation is felt ... a shift from before to a state of present peace. And when you're ready ... gently awaken to your surroundings ... carrying with you the tranquility of this moment ... ready to embrace the day with renewed serenity. 🌟🌿



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