
Hey Gut Foodies …

🎉💌 It's the final newsletter of the year, and what a year it's been! As we all gear up for a well-deserved break, THERE WON'T BE A NEWSLETTER NEXT WEEK. But don't worry, we're ending the year with a noisemaker BANG! 🌟🎄

This edition is packed with holiday cheer and wellness tips. Wake up to festive mornings with my favorite Paleo waffle mix, perfect for Christmas and New Year's brunch. 🧇❄️ Dive into more "Stress Buster" supplements to keep the holiday hustle manageable. 🧘‍♀️💆‍♂️

Get cozy with a soothing Micro-Mindful exercise focused on the gentle light of a candle, bringing warmth and calm to your festive season. 🕯️✨ Plus, don't miss one of my favorite blogs on the microbiome, offering insights into how our gut health influences our overall well-being. 🦠🌿

And for those seeking a deeper understanding, explore the latest research on the microbiome's impact on the thyroid, our body's essential thermostat. 📚🔍

Wishing you all a joyous holiday season! Eat well, relax, and cherish these moments. I'll be back with more gut health goodness on January 6th. Happy Holidays! 🎅🥳🎊🍽️


I JUST bought the frozen counterparts to these on my weekly Sprouts foray this evening ... thinking that they would make a GREAT simple breakfast with berries.

Birch Benders makes all sorts of Keto and Paleo mixes as well as just healthy ones with good ingredients.

This one is great in my Dash mini-waffle maker. Because you just add water, pour, and in a couple of minutes you have waffles. Top with Lakanto Syrup and berries ... and YUM!

Get Birch Benders at Sprouts, Thrive Market, Whole Foods ... and I've even seen it in my regular market. Eat it UP!


🌟🔬 Exploring the Gut-Thyroid Link in Autoimmune Diseases🌟🔬

The human microbiome, especially in the gut, plays a crucial role in our overall health, significantly impacting the immune system. 🦠🧬 

Recent research has highlighted the connection between gut health and autoimmune thyroid diseases (ATD), such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Grave's disease. These conditions are among the most common autoimmune disorders, affecting a significant portion of the population globally. 🌍💉

Studies suggest that the gut microbiome might be a key factor in triggering these thyroid diseases. However, the exact cause remains a mystery. 🤔🔍 

The gastrointestinal tract, now considered a major endocrine organ, often plays a distinct role in the development of ATDs. Factors like genetic predisposition, environmental influences, and diet significantly affect the gut microbiome, influencing thyroid health. 🌱🍽️

The review delves into how changes in the intestinal flora and increased intestinal permeability, often referred to as 'leaky gut', can promote the development of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. 🌐🔎 This condition, characterized by chronic lymphocytic infiltration and high titers of autoantibodies, leads to various clinical manifestations, including hypothyroidism. 🩸🔬

Environmental factors like diet, bacterial and viral infections, and lifestyle choices play a significant role in ATD development. 🍏🚬 Interestingly, disorders in the intestinal microbial flora are linked to thyroid hormone concentrations, affecting the entire "thyroid–gut" axis. 🔄

🧠 This intricate relationship underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome for thyroid health and overall well-being. 🌿💊

My Gut-Take: 

I've become an expert in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. WHY ... because it's the most prevalent (up to 25% in women and up to 8% in men) and the most underdiagnosed autoimmune disease around.

WHY? Because it's a casualty of the medical model. Doctors wait until hypothyroid is diagnosed ... and then give a medication which may make the Hashimoto's WORSE (the wrong one may be prescribed and it's often overused).

In other words ... they don't test for it! it's major arm-twisting to get doctors to test for Hashimoto's ... which entails doing a regular thyroid panel AND also test TPO and TG antibodies, reverse T3, and nutrients that may be deficient.

The reality is that 80-90% of hypothyroid is CAUSED by Hashimoto's  ... which occurs BEFORE the hypo[underactive]thyroid (or hyper[overactive]) diagnoses. The rest is most likely genetic or caused by other health problems.

Also ... we have thyroid receptors on every cell of the body. That's why the thyroid is called the thermostat of the cell ... and is the major influencer of metabolism. So it has a major influence over your weight as when the thermostat is turned down the weight goes up.

Hashimoto's can cause a host of problems including fatigue, trouble sleeping, cold intolerance, thinning hair, slow digestion, constipation, depression, anxiety, fertility problems, irregular menses, dry skin, hoarse voice, and a unique Hashimoto's rash among others.

And the only way to really heal it is not only with medication but also with diet and supplements. I work with Hashimoto's all the time ... and am successful in treating it. But it takes time, perseverance, and a change in mindset that includes the Functional Medicine model.

So this research review, Thyroid Diseases and Intestinal Microbiome, is important because it does link the gut with Hashimoto's ... which is a big unaddressed problem. There are 69 references to this article alone ... and many more studies out there.

So ... I implore you ... seek out a Functional Medicine professional as well as your own doctor when thyroid becomes a problem. Your outcome will thank you for it!


[From my Fullscript apothecary

Supports Healthy Response to Physical and Mental Stress*

-Certified Organically Grown
-Sustainably Wildcrafted
-Traditionally Grown

All of the herbs in this formula are individually extracted to ensure a broad spectrum of therapeutic plant compounds.

Proprietary extract blend:
Eleuthero root (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
Reishi fruiting body (Ganoderma lucidum)
Holy Basil leaf (Ocimum sanctum and gratissimum)
Rhodiola root (Rhodiola rosea)
Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis)

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

I just LOVE tinctures and herbs. Most Americans don't ... they prefer tablets and capsules. And herbs are like a foreign language for most of us who think they're relegated to ancient Asian healing arts.

But those ancient healing arts are still around today ... and healing people every minute. So they must know something we don't. 

The truth is that research has shown that consuming herbs may help to prevent and manage heart disease, cancer and diabetes. They may also help to reduce blood clots and cholesterol ... and have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties. 

And culinary herbs such as clove, rosemary, sage, oregano, and cinnamon ... not to mention Indian herbs such as turmeric and cayenne ... have been used for thousands of years for both their aromatic and healing properties.

But you HAVE to be careful with herbs ... and make sure you're getting organic ... and I also trust those companies that are family-owned and have their own farms. Herb Pharm (this supplement is one of them) and Gaia are my favs.

A Tincture Tip ... (that's onomatopoetic!) ... warm a little water (I put it in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds), drop in the tincture, and let it sit for about 15 seconds. The alcohol will evaporate out and leave you with a better-tasting solution.

It does help sometimes ... but I tend to chug-a-lug my tinctures and follow up with a little spoon of honey. And ... come to think of it ... you can add this to your morning Immune Tonic ... my answer to flu season!

That’s why this supplement is a necessary part of myJill’s Stress-Bustersplan … and a particular fav of mine. Get this one … and many others … at my Fullscript apothecary.

Oh… by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


🌊🏞️ Polluting the Microbiome 🦠🌿 

🌊🏞️ Imagine the transformation of the L.A. River, once a free-flowing natural wonder, now confined and altered by concrete and pollution. This striking change parallels the shifts in our microbiome, the complex ecosystem within us comprising trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. 🦠🌿 

The current state of the L.A. River, with its new ecosystems and pollution challenges, mirrors how our microbiome can become imbalanced, leading to inflammation and a range of diseases. 🌱💧

🔬🍽️ Just like the L.A. River's environment has been drastically altered, our internal environment faces similar challenges due to pollution and lifestyle choices. 🏙️🌿 This analogy underscores the importance of understanding and maintaining the balance of our microbiome for our health. 

Projects like the NIH Human Microbiome Project are delving deep into these complex ecosystems, revealing the crucial role they play in our overall well-being. 🧬🌐 

By addressing the root causes of our health issues and nurturing our microbiome, we can work towards restoring balance and wellness, much like the efforts to rejuvenate natural ecosystems. 🍏🧘‍♀️💪🌍



Can you picture the flickering glory of a candle melting away any tension you have in your body? Here’s yet another HOLIDAY MINDFULNESS SCRIPT that you can use whenever and wherever you feel stressed … especially in these overwhelming holiday times.

Yes … another guided imagery just for you. Remember that guided imagery is simply painting a glorious picture in your head to change a belief system that doesn’t serve you. Or literally rewrite a bad story ending to make it right again. Or just promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

The cool thing about guided imagery is that the mind doesn’t know the difference between what you actually experience through your senses or pictures that a skilled practitioner in guided imagery can place in your head.

And … spoiler alert … if you’re not good at seeing pictures in your mind … that’s OK. Even with all my acting training … I’m not good at it either. But it’s the FEELING from the imagery that will work magic on your mind and stress.

So here’s my next Micro-Mindful … not only perfect for holiday overwhelm … but a practice that awakens the senses and promotes calm at the same time.

And … even if you’ve never stared into the light of a candle or reveled in its flickering … you can use your senses to imagine them. And … remember … I’m recording these. And you can now get them on my website here.

Download this one (#5) on your phone so that you can use it whenever the holidays get you down. I just created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and now guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create you very own playlist. So let’s begin …

You and the Light of the Candle are One ...

🕯️🌌 Picture yourself in a serene, softly lit room, your personal haven of tranquility. If visualizing the room is challenging ... don't worry ... let the soothing tone of my voice guide you into a relaxed state. Feel the comforting darkness envelop you ... creating a sense of safety and peace.

🔥 Now ... beside you ... imagine a candle casting a gentle, flickering glow. Observe the warm light dancing on the walls ... forming mesmerizing patterns. As you focus on this calming sight, allow the day's stress and tension to begin dissolving away.

🧘‍♀️🕊️ Take a moment to really see the candle in your mind's eye. Notice its shape, color, and the steady, soothing dance of its flame. As the candle burns ... visualize the wax softening ... symbolizing the release of tension within your body. With each flicker of the flame ... feel a wave of relaxation washing over you ... starting from the top of your head ... easing down your neck ... and flowing gently through your shoulders.

💆‍♂️🌟 As the wax turns to liquid, imagine it carrying away your worries, drop by drop. Each drip of wax is like a stressor being released from your body. Feel the relaxation spreading down your arms ...into your fingertips ... releasing any held tension. The warmth of the candle's flame mirrors the warmth spreading across your chest and back ... easing any tightness in your muscles.

🕯️💤 Let this peaceful sensation continue to flow through you ... moving down to your hips, thighs, and legs. With every drop of wax that falls, feel a corresponding release in your body, as if each stressor is melting away just like the candle.

🌅🌈 Remain in this peaceful state ... basking in the comfort of the candle's glow ... as long as you like. Then ... when you're ready ... gently return to the present, stretch, open your eyes, and carry this sense of calm and peace with you throughout your day. Feel rejuvenated, relaxed, and ready to embrace whatever comes next. 🌟🍃


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