
Hey Gut Foodies …

Bet you're wondering why I keep sending you these ... I am so sorry and it will never happen again!

But  … we had a glitch in the last newsletter and this wonderful “Winter Wonderland” script never got into yesterday’s newsletter. Here it is in all it’s glory … and don’t forget to download the audio onto your phone from the link below to use when the holidays get you down or are overwhelming … see you next week … on Christmas EVE! 🍪🌟 

And warm up your winter evenings with our quick and hearty Paleo soup recipe, guaranteed to comfort and satisfy. And ... for some reason ... the link was also published wrong ... now it's right too!🥣❄️ Explore the latest research connecting diet and supplements to a healthier gut.

🌲🧘‍♀️ Wander through a serene winter wonderland with our guided imagery exercise, designed to soothe your senses and calm your mind. Plus, discover our featured de-stress supplement to help you navigate the holiday hustle with ease.

And for a dose of holiday cheer, don't miss our hilarious festive funny, sure to bring a hearty belly laugh and brighten your day. 🤣🎅


My first “Holiday De-Stress” was so successful (75 hits on LinkedIn alone) that I decided to do another. After all … stress is now rising and people are now uber-rushing … so here are some more ideas to keep you both festive AND sane.

Be Creative! My sister and I still talk about the time my mom hid 7 of our 8 (we always shared big presents the last day by a crackling fire) Chanukkah gifts around the house with a daily treasure map to find each. She never did it again … but we never forgot it … and laugh about it till this day.

Perhaps do something creative like the above that the entire family will enjoy. Perhaps an advent with different daily messages for each family member, or a cookie decorating contest with a prize for the best cookie. And … by all means …

Decorate! I wasn’t going to do it because work is ridiculously busy this year. But I hauled out the little lavender tree I bought several years ago for a post-holiday impulse sale purchase and put it up!

I feel so much better … even though it took some time out of my busy day. As the tree shines brightly every night in my family room as I decompress from my busy day I’m wrapped in holiday spirit … with a little tinsel thrown in …

So … decorate a little or a lot … whatever makes you feel festive and whenever time permits. Even a sprig of mistletoe or a tiny twinkling store-bought tree will do the trick. And my dietitian training taught me to always light the candles on the table when you sit down for a meal …

Do my Micro-Mindfuls! I love that you can log onto my website and download these as they become available on your phone as a playlist for listening so you stay calm throughout the holiday … and beyond.

I’ve now done THREE holiday-specific ones … including the “Winter Wonderland Guided Imagery” below. So… whenever you feel that holiday overwhelm download them …pop in your earphones … and give them a listen  by clicking here.


Cook Some Nurturing Food! Even though L.A. is in the mid-seventies today, warming wintertime food is still so comforting. And my Fab ‘n Fast Paleo collection is just the ticket for those exhausting days when you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Get all the recipes here. And I’ve got a new one for you … Fab ‘n Fast  Paleo Chicken and Curried Dumplings Soup. Read about it below.

Even if cooking isn’t an option for you, stock up with some ready-made Paleo-friendly goodies (all markets have bagged salad … some even have salad bars … and “homemade” soups) beforehand. So you’re not tempted to run through the fast food line ‘cuz nada’s in the house.

Just Say No! The holiday season can bring lots of invites and obligations. So prioritize what brings you joy and emotional happiness and simplify activities when you can.

Don’t worry if you can’t make grandma’s cookie recipe this year … your well-being is more important. So bite the bullet and buy some cookies instead.

It’s okay to say no to situations that stress you out. And parties and sugar plums that you know might leave you glum.


🌿🔬 Gut Health: The Key to Preventing Systemic Diseases 🌿🔬

This long review, "Gut microbiota, intestinal permeability, and systemic inflammation: a narrative review" shows that the gut, our body's largest interface with the external world, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. 🌟

The intestinal barrier, influenced by our microbiome and diet, is vital in preventing harmful substances and pathogens from entering our system. Disruptions in this barrier, known as 'leaky gut', can lead to various systemic diseases like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. 🦠💔

🥦🍇 Diet plays a pivotal role in maintaining gut health. Unhealthy habits like high-fat diets and alcohol abuse can increase intestinal permeability, while foods rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, like extra-virgin olive oil, can improve gut health.

Probiotics and prebiotics, such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Akkermansia strains, are also showing promise in enhancing gut barrier function and reducing inflammation. 🍽️🌱

🌟🧪 Emerging treatments focus on synbiotics (a combination of prebiotics and probiotics) and other supplements like vitamins D and A, and zinc, to strengthen the gut barrier and reduce inflammation. Even specific medications, traditionally used for other conditions, are being repurposed to improve gut health and combat metabolic diseases. 🌈💊

My Gut-Take: 

WOW … this was a LONG and detailed review about how intestinal permeability (AKA leaky gut) and the composition of the microbiota (gut beasties) affect bodily processes. As well as how these changes affect certain problems like inflammatory bowel disease (the number one reason people visit doctors today), heart disease (the number two) and diabetes (the number three).

The mechanisms detailed are very clinical, but the take-away is that changing your diet and taking certain probiotics (including my fav, Akkermansia [just ordered more yesterday]) and prebiotics (food and supplement substances that feed good bacteria) can really help restore gut and barrier function.

If I present you over and over with studies that show this … I have an agenda. And the agenda is to show you that THERE ARE TONS OF ACTUAL STUDIES AND REVIEWS OF STUDIES THAT SHOW THAT LEAKY GUT CAUSES DISEASE!


So much for doctors saying that there’s no research about this …there are almost 200,000 studies in PubMed that come up when you type in the word “gut” alone. It’s just that doctors come out of medical school with one set of skills (that doesn’t involve ANYTHING about the effect of diet, supplements, or root cause changes) and work from that set of skills their whole career.

Doctors at my hospital are still writing “mechanical soft” for a texture-modified diet … a moniker that was abandoned IN 1993! And think if they up the carbs to increase calories for a diabetic (a total no-no!) that that’s OK.

And that’s just rudimentary stuff. Healing the microbiome to prevent disease and finding the root cause for problems is WAY out of their ken. So who’s going to do that … that IS the question …


[From my Fullscript apothecary] Cortisol is one of the most important hormones involved in the adaptation process. By supporting balanced cortisol and a healthy stress response.* Cortisol Manager also promotes relaxation to support restful sleep.*

Cortisol is a hormone produced in the adrenal cortex that is released during times of stress. Variations in cortisol secretion can indicate how well the body is coping with stress.

Cortisol homeostasis is typically characterized by peak secretion during the early morning hours with a gradual decline throughout the day. Because of its central role as a key stress hormone, cortisol is often thought of as a bridge between stress and its health impact.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My Gut-Take: 

Most people don’t give it a thought … but managing your cortisol hormone is vital for managing your stress … especially in those times … like now … when stress is on the menu everywhere. Not only that … it’s crucial if you want to lose weight.

Our brain triggers cortisol’s release through the sympathetic nervous system … our “fight or flight” mechanism … in response to different kinds of stress. And while the short-term release of cortisol can help you run quickly from danger … the constant “fight or flight” we experience in modern life can cause it to be too high for too long.

Over time … this can lead to a heap of health issues including weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, difficulty sleeping (moi), mood issues, and low energy levels.

That’s why this supplement is a necessary part of my “Jill’s Stress-Busters” plan … and a particular fav of mine. Get this one … and many others … at my Fullscript apothecary.

Oh… by the way … I had to include the disclaimer above as supplements are not a medical product. But … just between you and me and the Root Cause Medicine community … they often work like gangbusters!


🍲🥄 Savor the Comfort of Paleo Chicken and Curried Dumplings Soup 🍲🥄

Indulge in the ultimate comfort food with this Fab 'n Fast Paleo Chicken and Curried Dumplings Soup, a delightful fusion of classic chicken and dumplings with a hint of matzo ball soup. 🐔🍜 This recipe simplifies your cooking experience by using ready-made shredded chicken and a food processor for chopping veggies, turning soup-making into a quick 20-minute task.

The soup's unique twist comes from its subtle Indian-inspired flavors, featuring turmeric and coconut milk, enhanced with a touch of curry powder and cumin in the dumplings. 🥥🌿 These easy-to-make dumplings are not just delicious but also perfectly complement the soup's rich and aromatic broth.

👩‍🍳💡 For those cooking for one (or a few), a handy tip is to roll, store, and refrigerate the dumplings separately. This way, you can add the perfect amount to each serving, ensuring they remain tender and fluffy every time. Remember, cassava-based dumplings are best enjoyed fresh, as they tend to disintegrate when reheated. So, make, cool, and add as needed for a personalized and satisfying meal. 🍽️🌟



Can you picture yourself strolling through a winter wonderland enveloping you in calm whiteness? Here’s yet another HOLIDAY MINDFULNESS SCRIPT that you can use whenever and wherever you feel stressed … especially in these overwhelming holiday times.

Yes … another guided imagery just for you. Remember that guided imagery is simply painting a glorious picture in your head to change a belief system that doesn’t serve you. Or literally rewrite a bad story ending to make it right again. Or just promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

The cool thing about guided imagery is that the mind doesn’t know the difference between what you actually experience through your senses or pictures that a skilled practitioner in guided imagery can place in your head.

And … spoiler alert … if you’re not good at seeing pictures in your mind … that’s OK. Even with all my acting training … I’m not good at it either. But it’s the FEELING from the imagery that will work magic on your mind and stress.

So here’s my next Micro-Mindful … not only perfect for holiday overwhelm … but a practice that awakens the senses and promotes calm at the same time.

And … even if you’ve never experienced cold and snow … which is what this “Winter Wonderland” is all about … you can use your senses to imagine them. And … remember … I’m recording these. And you can now get them on my website here.

Download this one (#4) on your phone so that you can use it whenever the holidays get you down. I just created a playlist on my phone music app and am downloading these weekly.

And … as more and more free mindfulness (and now guided imagery) snippets become available … you can pick and choose what resonates with you to create you very own playlist. So let’s begin …

Walkin’ in my Winter Wonderland and into Calm:

🌲❄️ As you find a moment of stillness, whether seated, lying down, or amidst the holiday rush, begin by drawing in a deep breath. Whisper "relax" to yourself as you inhale, and as you exhale, softly say "release," letting go of any stress or worry. Just breathe... slowly and deeply, feeling the rhythm of relaxation.

Notice any tension in your body. Let your shoulders gently drop, releasing their burden. Unclench your hands, relax your jaw, and feel the soothing rise and fall of your belly with each breath. 🌬️🧘‍♀️

Now, let your imagination transport you to a serene, snowy forest path. Frost adorns the branches, sparkling under the sunlight's embrace. Despite the winter chill, you feel comfortably warm, wrapped in a cozy coat, a wooly cap, and a thick scarf around your neck. 🧣🧤

The morning sun, low and golden, casts a gentle amber glow through the trees, turning the frosty branches into a peachy radiance. The snow beneath your feet crunches satisfyingly with each step you take. 🌅❄️

As you wander, the path meanders through the trees, lined with small bushes. Occasionally, your sleeve brushes against a branch, sending a cloud of sparkling frost into the air, glittering as it settles back to the ground. 🌨️✨

Observe the trees around you, their bare branches coated in luminous frost, and the evergreens, their dark needles peeking through a blanket of snow and frost, creating a mesmerizing contrast of white and green. 🌲🤍

Look around at this winter wonderland, where snow and frost create a carpet of brilliance, and the tree trunks stand stark against the gleaming landscape. Above, the sky is a clear blue, transitioning to golden near the horizon, with the sun shining like a radiant orb of gold. ☀️🌌

With each breath, visualize a cloud of fog forming in the cool, clean air, refreshing and invigorating. Picture the mist dispersing as you exhale, symbolizing the release of any lingering tension or stress. See it as a cloud that leaves your body, forms in the air, and then dissipates into nothingness. 🌬️💭

Continue this journey as long as you wish, immersing yourself in the sensory experience of this peaceful moment. When you're ready, gently open your eyes, reconnect with your surroundings, and carry the tranquility of the forest with you throughout your day. 🌳🕊️


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